SUCCESS Campaign
Flight #96-110

Sample Image
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02 May 1996
Track #20

"Wave cloud near Boulder, Colorado"

R: 2.15 microns
G: 1.65 microns
B: 0.64 microns

click image!
02 May 1996
Track #16

"Cumulus clouds over snow capped Mount Evans (14,300 feet) west of Denver, Colorado"

R: 2.15 microns
G: 0.94 microns
B: 0.64 microns
Summary Information
Date: May 2, 1996
ER-2 Flight Number: 96-110
Location: Wyoming-Colorado-Nebraska-Kansas
Principle Investigator: Dr. Brian Toon (NASA Ames)
Additional Sensors: B&W_6"_RC-10, MIR, CLS, RAMS

Level-1B Processing Information
Level-1B Data Version: #10
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: SUCCESS_Ames 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: No
Status: Final Calibration Done

Flight Track Map

click map!
Level-1B Browse Imagery
Straight Line Flight Tracks: 30
Scanlines Processed: 75137
Solar Azimuth and Zenith Angles
Browse Images
Click on the Flight Track number to load images.
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels.
1 STD CIR 17:30-17:41 283 40.86-41.08 103.55-105.05 3935
2 STD CIR 17:41-17:43 280 41.08-41.14 105.06-105.43 991
3 STD CIR 17:44-17:50 289 41.15-41.40 105.50-106.41 2443
4 STD CIR 17:52-18:00 288 41.44-41.73 106.58-107.71 2972
5 STD CIR 18:00-18:02 294 41.74-41.84 107.78-108.09 854
6 STD CIR 18:06-18:08 96 42.07-42.05 107.93-107.66 649
7 STD CIR 18:09-18:22 109 42.03-41.50 107.57-105.58 5063
8 STD CIR 18:24-18:25 150 41.38-41.23 105.42-105.30 555
9 STD CIR 18:30-18:41 289 41.41-41.81 105.29-106.73 3873
10 STD CIR 18:48-18:50 100 41.62-41.58 106.72-106.38 848
11 STD CIR 18:50-19:03 99 41.58-41.35 106.36-104.50 4563
12 STD CIR 19:04-19:06 145 41.30-41.10 104.38-104.19 798
13 STD CIR 19:10-19:19 279 41.29-41.47 104.03-105.40 3493
14 STD CIR 19:23-19:27 101 41.23-41.13 105.43-104.75 1676
15 STD CIR 19:30-19:43 202 40.92-39.56 104.72-105.36 4831
16 STD CIR 19:44-20:00 284 39.47-39.96 105.55-107.74 5790
17 STD CIR 20:08-20:10 83 39.79-39.82 107.40-107.12 735
18 STD CIR 20:12-20:18 100 39.82-39.71 106.89-105.99 2285
19 STD CIR 20:18-20:22 98 39.71-39.66 105.91-105.43 1184
20 STD CIR 20:23-20:28 14 39.76-40.30 105.25-105.02 1831
21 STD CIR 20:34-20:36 173 40.55-40.34 105.08-105.04 717
22 STD CIR 20:37-20:39 199 40.21-39.96 105.06-105.17 904
23 STD CIR 20:40-20:44 191 39.88-39.45 105.20-105.30 1464
24 STD CIR 20:50-21:02 272 39.71-39.89 105.81-107.48 4308
25 STD CIR 21:03-21:04 329 39.96-40.11 107.60-107.71 556
26 STD CIR 21:10-21:25 98 39.91-39.66 107.51-105.25 5678
27 STD CIR 21:33-21:34 322 39.65-39.77 105.08-105.19 481
28 STD CIR 21:36-21:41 22 40.01-40.46 105.16-104.91 1582
29 STD CIR 21:43-22:03 90 40.55-40.49 104.62-101.53 7594
30 STD CIR 22:04-22:11 117 40.42-40.08 101.32-100.42 2484
Standard Browse Images 01 through 30 in sequence
Cirrus Detection Browse Images 01 through 30 in sequence

Level-1B HDF Data Distribution Point
NASA GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data Center

Additional Information
The objective of this mission was to observe the effect of DC-8 aircraft exhaust and contrails on wave clouds.

Take-off was 1630 UTC. ER-2 followed DC-8 to SE Wyoming. No set patterns were flown. The ER-2 followed the DC-8 south, runs were flown behind the DC-8. The ER-2 pilot reported heavy turbulence at altitude; during portions of the flight the plane and instruments were strongly shaken. The pilot reported being over contrails and was level at the NOAA-14 overpass at 2035 UTC. Also noted were well defined wave clouds near Boulder CO.

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