SUCCESS Campaign
Flight #96-111

Sample Image
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03 May 1996
Track #02

"Canadian River and circular crop fields near Higgins, Texas"
click image!
03 May 1996
Track #15

"Roll clouds over the Oklahoma CART site"

R: 2.15 microns
G: 1.65 microns
B: 0.65 microns
Summary Information
Date: May 03, 1996
ER-2 Flight Number: 96-111
Location: Oklahoma CART Site, Kansas, Texas
Principle Investigator: Dr. Brian Toon (NASA Ames)
Additional Sensors: B&W_6"_RC-10, MIR, CLS, RAMS, HIS

Level-1B Processing Information
Level-1B Data Version: #10
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: SUCCESS_Ames 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: No
Status: Final Calibration Done

Flight Track Map

click map!
Level-1B Browse Imagery
Straight Line Flight Tracks: 17
Scanlines Processed: 65167
Solar Azimuth and Zenith Angles
Browse Images
Click on the Flight Track number to load images.
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels.
1 STD CIR 17:53-17:59 157 36.14-35.56 99.80- 99.47 2180
2 STD CIR 18:02-18:09 337 35.50-36.29 99.70-100.10 2797
3 STD CIR 18:12-18:25 88 36.48-36.50 99.93- 98.03 5027
4 STD CIR 18:25-18:28 88 36.49-36.51 98.01- 97.67 910
5 STD CIR 18:29-18:39 92 36.50-36.48 97.53- 96.04 3948
6 STD CIR 18:42-18:59 271 36.70-36.71 96.02- 98.33 6184
7 STD CIR 18:59-19:10 268 36.71-36.68 98.33- 99.90 4098
8 STD CIR 19:13-19:27 89 36.49-36.50 99.88- 97.92 5267
9 STD CIR 19:27-19:41 86 36.49-36.62 97.91- 95.96 5205
10 STD CIR 19:44-19:56 270 36.70-36.71 96.13- 97.73 4291
11 STD CIR 19:57-20:09 271 36.70-36.69 97.93- 99.58 4315
12 STD CIR 20:09-20:11 269 36.69-36.68 99.59- 99.88 754
13 STD CIR 20:13-20:24 89 36.48-36.50 99.91- 98.39 4078
14 STD CIR 20:27-20:31 85 36.49-36.53 98.08- 97.50 1563
15 STD CIR 20:31-20:41 93 36.53-36.48 97.46- 96.04 3755
16 STD CIR 20:44-21:11 270 36.71-36.69 96.03- 99.86 9967
17 STD CIR 21:12-21:15 41 36.81-37.00 99.95- 99.74 828
Standard Browse Images 01 through 17 in sequence
Cirrus Detection Browse Images 01 through 17 in sequence

Level-1B HDF Data Distribution Point
NASA GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data Center

Additional Information
The objective of this mission was to observe Boeing 757 contrails; and to determine coupling between radiative and microphysical properties of clouds.

The DC-8 and B-757 flew an E-W racetrack in Oklahoma near the ARM CART site. The tracks were 30 minutes long with a 20 mile separation. Ther ER-2 flew the same track but in the opposite direction of the DC-8. One flight track was flown in the solar plane at the beginning of the mission. Most of the E-W track was cloud free. There may have been short non-persitent contrails generated by the 757 and DC-8. On the eastern side of the racetrack there was some broken to solid low stratus clouds.

The NOAA-14 satellite made its overpass at 2025 UTC.

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