SCAR-B Campaign
Flight #95-168

Sample Image
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04 September 1995
Track #16

"Fire induced convective cloud over Serra Do Norte, Brazil"

R: 2.14 microns
G: 1.62 microns
B: 0.55 microns
Summary Information
Date: September 04, 1995
ER-2 Flight Number: 95-168
Location: Central Brazil
Principle Investigator: Yorum Kaufman
Additional Sensors: VIS,CLS,AVIRIS

Level-1B Processing Information
Level-1B Data Version: #09
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: SCAR-B_King 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: Yes (24C)
Status: Done

Flight Track Map

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Level-1B Browse Imagery
Straight Line Flight Tracks: 17
Scanlines Processed: 87723
Solar Azimuth and Zenith Angles
Browse Images
Click on the Flight Track number to load images.
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels.
1 14:43-15:06 267 15.55-15.55 54.56-57.20 8420 ~20000
2 15:07-15:28 303 15.51-14.16 57.31-59.38 8071 ~20000
3 15:28-15:50 304 14.17-12.82 59.37-61.38 8064 ~20000
4 15:50-16:07 303 12.82-11.70 61.39-63.03 6589 ~20000
5 16:07-16:25 303 11.69-10.57 63.03-64.65 6576 ~20000
6 16:27-16:32 39 10.39-9.96 64.65-64.28 1819 ~20000
7 16:32-16:35 36 9.94-9.67 64.26-64.05 1113 ~20000
8 16:35-16:46 64 9.63-9.09 63.99-62.89 3874 ~20000
9 16:52-16:56 244 8.98-9.17 62.67-63.05 1469 ~20000
10 16:56-17:06 244 9.17-9.64 63.05-64.01 3700 ~20000
11 17:13-17:25 62 9.69-9.08 64.10-62.88 4299 ~20000
12 17:31-17:42 243 8.95-9.47 62.62-63.66 4087 ~20000
13 17:50-17:58 60 9.51-9.07 63.74-62.86 3081 ~20000
14 17:58-18:02 53 9.04-8.76 62.80-62.40 1507 ~20000
15 18:04-18:25 119 8.76-9.88 62.24-60.00 7937 ~20000
16 18:26-18:49 117 9.92-11.07 59.92-57.53 8562 ~20000
17 18:49-19:12 115 11.08-12.21 57.53-55.15 8555 ~20000
Images 01 through 17 in sequence

Level-1B HDF Data Acquisition
Order Form (NASA LaRC Atmospheric Sciences Data Center)

Additional Information
The objective of this flight was to measure concentrations of aerosol across the study area for flux calculations; as well as capture smoke and cloud properties.

Fluxes were measured near Bolivia and Porto Velho. In Rondonia the optical thickness was 2, in Cuiaba 0.4, and Alta Floresta 1.0.


  • Slice 2 / Line 5: There are broad areas of poorly calibrated data (which can be seen as broad dark and light bands in the browse imagery) in the port 4 bands (bands 42-50).
  • Slice 3 / Lines 2,3,4: Large areas where data from the 11 and 12 uM bands are missing, also many areas where banding was noted across the image. In slice 2 the 3.7 uM band gives a very different response than 3.9. In slice 4, sections of 3.9 and 3.7 are missing.

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Another SCAR-B Flight?
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