SCAR-B Campaign
Flight #95-158

Sample Image
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13 August 1995
Track #01

"Sunlight dances across erosion patterns created by several Washes in the Mojave Desert, California"

R: 2.14 microns
G: 1.62 microns
B: 0.55 microns
Summary Information
Date: August 13, 1995
ER-2 Flight Number: 95-158
Location: California to Puerto Rico
Principle Investigator: Yorum Kaufman (NASA GSFC)
Additional Sensors: VIS,CLS

Level-1B Processing Information
Level-1B Data Version: Not Available
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: SCAR-B_King 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: Yes (24C)
Status: Done!

Flight Track Map

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Level-1B Browse Imagery
Straight Line Flight Tracks: 33
Scanlines Processed: 157654
Solar Azimuth and Zenith Angles
Browse Images
Click on the Flight Track number to load images.
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels.
1 14:29-14:43 106 34.96-34.47 116.36-114.57 4998 ~20000
2 14:43-14:56 108 34.47-33.97 114.56-112.82 4995 ~20000
3 14:56-15:09 110 33.97-33.45 112.83-111.12 4996 ~20000
4 15:09-15:23 112 33.45-32.91 111.11-109.43 4997 ~20000
5 15:23-15:36 113 32.91-32.37 109.43-107.83 4968 ~20000
6 15:36-15:49 113 32.37-31.83 107.82-106.32 4661 ~20000
7 15:49-16:03 98 31.81-31.60 106.23-104.50 4998 ~20000
8 16:03-16:16 97 31.60-31.37 104.50-102.78 4998 ~20000
9 16:16-16:29 99 31.37-31.12 102.78-101.09 4998 ~20000
10 16:29-16:43 99 31.11-30.85 101.07-99.43 4997 ~20000
11 16:43-16:51 100 30.84-30.68 99.42-98.47 2912 ~20000
12 16:51-17:04 102 30.68-30.38 98.44-96.85 4997 ~20000
13 17:04-17:18 103 30.38-30.06 96.85-95.23 4996 ~20000
14 17:18-17:31 105 30.06-29.72 95.23-93.62 4997 ~20000
15 17:31-17:44 105 29.72-29.36 93.62-92.02 4997 ~20000
16 17:44-17:50 104 29.36-29.21 92.02-91.39 1956 ~20000
17 17:50-18:03 105 29.21-28.81 91.37-89.75 4956 ~20000
18 18:04-18:13 105 28.79-28.49 89.67-88.48 3717 ~20000
19 18:14-18:27 105 28.48-28.05 88.44-86.88 4997 ~20000
20 18:27-18:40 106 28.05-27.61 86.88-85.32 4997 ~20000
21 18:40-18:54 107 27.61-27.16 85.33-83.81 4997 ~20000
22 18:54-19:07 108 27.16-26.69 83.80-82.28 4998 ~20000
23 19:07-19:20 110 26.69-26.22 82.28-80.81 4972 ~20000
24 19:20-19:34 109 26.22-25.72 80.81-79.32 4997 ~20000
25 19:34-19:47 116 25.70-25.02 79.28-77.89 4984 ~20000
26 19:48-20:01 116 25.02-24.33 77.89-76.51 4997 ~20000
27 20:01-20:14 117 24.34-23.64 76.52-75.16 4987 ~20000
28 20:14-20:27 117 23.63-22.93 75.15-73.84 4878 ~20000
29 20:27-20:41 118 22.93-22.20 73.84-72.49 4998 ~20000
30 20:41-20:54 118 22.20-21.44 72.49-71.14 4998 ~20000
31 20:54-21:07 120 21.44-20.64 71.14-69.83 4998 ~20000
32 21:07-21:18 122 20.64-20.02 69.83-68.84 3855 ~20000
33 21:18-21:33 118 20.00-19.15 68.82-67.27 5867 ~20000
Images 01 through 33 in sequence

Level-1B HDF Data Acquisition
Order Form (NASA LaRC Atmospheric Sciences Data Center)

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