SCAR-B Campaign
Flight #95-164

Sample Image
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25 August 1995
Track #07

"Smouldering forests and smoke near the Juruena River, Brazil"
R: 2.14 microns
G: 1.62 microns
B: 0.55 microns
Summary Information
Date: August 25, 1995
ER-2 Flight Number: 95-164
Location: Central Brazil
Principle Investigator: Yorum Kaufman
Additional Sensors: VIS,CLS,AVIRIS

Level-1B Processing Information
Level-1B Data Version: #09
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: SCAR-B_King 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: Yes (24C)
Status: Done!

Flight Track Map

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Level-1B Browse Imagery
Straight Line Flight Tracks: 13
Scanlines Processed: 82531
Solar Zenith and Azimuth Angles
Browse Images
Click on the Flight Track number to load images.
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels.
1 14:54-15:15 268 15.55-15.55 55.32-57.75 8098 ~20000
2 15:19-15:34 90 15.25-15.25 57.72-56.01 5368 ~20000
3 15:38-15:56 269 14.95-14.95 55.95-57.92 6666 ~20000
4 15:57-16:22 314 14.91-12.79 58.00-59.99 9647 ~20000
5 16:22-16:48 315 12.79-10.60 59.99-62.00 9640 ~20000
6 16:52-17:07 136 10.38-11.62 61.82-60.65 5692 ~20000
7 17:07-17:31 138 11.62-13.52 60.65-58.84 8846 ~20000
8 17:31-17:54 140 13.52-15.43 58.84-56.97 8841 ~20000
9 17:57-18:10 28 15.37-14.05 56.75-55.99 4962 ~20000
10 18:14-18:33 208 14.19-16.00 55.76-56.75 7031 ~20000
11 18:37-18:42 29 16.06-15.58 56.45-56.17 1832 ~20000
12 18:43-18:52 28 15.55-14.60 56.15-55.60 3551 ~20000
13 18:53-19:00 74 14.52-14.32 55.48-54.78 2357 ~20000
Images 01 through 13 in sequence

Level-1B HDF Data Acquisition
Order Form (NASA LaRC Atmospheric Sciences Data Center)

Additional Information
The objective of this flight was to overfly sunphotometer sites in Cuiaba and Ji-Parana; and then to observe the transition from relatively smoke-free Mato Grasso to heavily smoke-filled Rondonia.

The pilot observed a very strong fire north of Cuiaba and encountered so much turbulence that the plane rose 1000 feet without doing anything to the throttle.

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Another SCAR-B Flight?
#95-158 #95-160 #95-161 #95-162 #95-163 #95-164
#95-165 #95-166 #95-167 #95-168 #95-169 #95-170