TARFOX Campaign
Flight #96-150

Sample Image
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21 July 1996
Track #01

"Coastal Plain in northeast North Carolina"

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21 July 1996
Track #02

"Coastal Plain in southeast Virginia"

R: 2.15 microns
G: 1.64 microns
B: 0.55 microns
Summary Information
Date: July 21, 1996
ER-2 Flight Number: 96-150
Location: DelMarVa Penninsula to Atlantic Ocean
Principle Investigator: Dr. Yorum Kaufman
Mission Scientists: Tanre, Brockett, Remer
Additional Sensors: CIR-12"_RC-10, LASE

Level-1B Processing Information
Level-1B Data Version: #10
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: TARFOX_Ames 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: No
Status: Done!

Flight Track Map

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Level-1B Browse Imagery
Straight Line Flight Tracks: 17
Scanlines Processed: 62571
Solar Azimuth and Zenith Angles
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Click on the Flight Track number to load images.
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels.
1 17:22-17:30 66 36.26-36.62 77.67- 76.71 2852 ~20000
2 17:30-17:34 67 36.63-36.81 76.70-76.14 1613 ~20000
3 17:35-17:49 23 36.89-38.32 76.05-75.20 5285 ~20000
4 17:51-18:01 151 38.33-37.38 74.98-74.37 3536 ~20000
5 18:01-18:04 148 37.36-37.08 74.36-74.15 1052 ~20000
6 18:04-18:05 139 37.06-36.92 74.13-73.99 635 ~20000
7 18:06-18:09 130 36.90-36.65 73.96-73.59 1314 ~20000
8 18:13-18:14 71 36.66-36.71 73.26-73.09 498 ~20000
9 18:18-18:32 336 36.96-38.37 73.41-74.26 5172 ~20000
10 18:37-18:52 153 38.54-37.00 74.22-73.27 5713 ~20000
11 18:56-19:11 336 36.89-38.44 73.37-74.30 5658 ~20000
12 19:15-19:23 152 38.56-37.72 74.23-73.71 3168 ~20000
13 19:23-19:32 154 37.71-36.82 73.70-73.17 3306 ~20000
14 19:35-19:51 336 36.88-38.44 73.36-74.30 5744 ~20000
15 19:54-20:10 153 38.57-37.02 74.23-73.28 5727 ~20000
16 20:13-20:28 335 36.94-38.44 73.40-74.30 5484 ~20000
17 20:32-20:47 154 38.56-36.99 74.23-73.26 5814 ~20000
Images 01 through 17 in sequence

Level-1B HDF Data Distribution Point
NASA GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data Center

Additional Information
Objectives: To overfly the C131 during its profile over the ocean in order to provide wider spatial and temporal characterization of the aerosol. To provide real-time aerosol vertical distribution with LASE. To provide imagery for MODIS validation at Point A when the C-131 is at its lowest altitude and over the cruise ship Zenith on its voyage towards Bermuda. To overfly the ground instruments on Wallops Island.

Meteorological Conditions: In the morning the situation was very similar to the previous day--clear, clean conditions. Cirrus began to develop over Wallops in the late morning and covered the area of interest with 50-80% cloud cover in the afternoon. To the east, over Bermuda, a slow moving frontal system brought showers to the island and post-frontal partly cloudy conditions to the northwest where the Zenith was expected to be located at the time of the ER-2 overflight.

Summary: The ER-2 take-off was 1645 UTC (1245 LT) and the flight duration was 4 hours and 40 minutes. The ER-2 was directed to fly perpendicular to the solar plane at 14:30 LT at point A (38o 20' N 74o 00') in a racetrack pattern separated by 6 n. mi. 4 loops were made. Then the ER-2 was directed to fly over the cruise ship at 35 00' N and 68 05' W, returning to Wallops after a pass over the Wallops sunphotometers. In the racetrack portion of the flight, it was determined that the leg over the cruise ship and over Wallops Island was not worth the extra time on the ER-2 due to cloudy conditions. The mobile pilot informed the ER-2 pilot to return directly to Wallops after completing the 4 loops.

Results: MAS and LASE collected data well. Interference with LASE telemetry interupted much of the LASE real-time signal. MAS experienced noise in the longer wavelength channels. The visible channels are the primary tools used for TARFOX objectives, and so the noise problem is not serious. Images were streaked with cirrus although two clear views were made of the Point A area within 3 minutes of the C-131 collecting sunphotometer data at 100ft. There was slightly more aerosol than the day before.

Auxillary Information: Two sunphotometers, shadowband, optronics, and pyranometer at Wallops were operational during the flight although one sunphotometer needs recalibration. Sondes were launched at 10:00 and 14:30 LT. Raman lidar was opertational. Sandy Hook NJ and Hampton Roads sunphotometers were operational. Additional shadowband taking data at Hampton Roads site. Hog Island sunphotometer collected data on mainland at VCR office parking lot.

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Another TARFOX Flight?
#96-145 #96-146 #96-147 #96-148 #96-149
#96-150 #96-151 #96-152 #96-153 #96-154