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The ASF operates a suite of facility instruments that are used for Earth Science process studies, satellite calibration and validation, and algorithm development. The data are used by a variety of multi-disciplinary science programs to monitor variation in environmental conditions, assess global change, and respond to natural disasters.

All of the data are made available to the public free of charge through various NASA data archives, as noted in the individual sections below. New data acquisitions for ESD-funded researchers, and others, may be requested through the NASA Flight Request System.

eMAS thumbnail
Enhanced MODIS Airborne Simulator (eMAS)
Type: Multispectral 38-channel Line Scanner
Range: 465nm - 14.24µm (Center Wavelength)
Resolution: 50m (at 65,000 feet AGL)
System Upgrades In Progress
PICARD thumbnail
Push-broom Imager for Cloud / Aerosol Research and Development (PICARD)
Type: Hyperspectral 205-channel Push-broom Scanner
Range: 400nm - 2450nm (Center Wavelength)
Resolution: 50m (at 65,000 feet AGL)
System Upgrades In Progress
MASTER thumbnail
MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER)
Type: Multispectral 50-channel Line Scanner
Range: 400nm - 13µm (Center Wavelength)
Resolution: 5m - 50m (variable with altitude)
System Upgrades In Progress
AMS thumbnail
Autonomous Modular Sensor (AMS)
Type: Multispectral 16-channel Line Scanner
Range: 412nm - 11.5µm (Center Wavelength)
Resolution: 5m - 50m (variable with altitude)
System Transferred to USFS In 2013
DMS camera thumbnail
Digital Mapping System (DMS)
Type: Digital Camera, 21Mp (Natural Color)
Range: 400nm - 750nm (Center Wavelength)
Resolution: 1cm - 2.7m (variable with altitude)
DCS camera thumbnail
Digital Camera System (DCS)
Type: Digital Camera, 16Mp (Natural Color & Color Infrared)
Range: 510nm - 990nm (Center Wavelength)
Resolution: 1cm - 2.7m (variable with altitude)
POS PCS thumbnail
Position & Orientation System (POS)
Type: Direct Georeferencing System
Manufacturer: Applanix (a Trimble subsidiary)
Positional Accuracy: 50cm - 2m (DGPS)
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