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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 99-057
Date: 29 March 1999
Location: Illinois / Indiana / Lake Michigan
Deployment: WINTEX
Principal Investigator: Moeller (UWisc)
Additional Sensors: NAST-I, NAST-M, RC-10 (12" BW), SHIS, VIS

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is good
Port 4 anomalies occurred early in flight causing a loss of Thermal data.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 13
Scanlines: 50728

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg North)
Lon Range
(Deg West)
1 23:23-23:42 157 41.96-40.01 88.24-86.87 7062 ~20000
2 23:44-23:54 352 40.06-41.21 86.69-86.77 3907 ~20000
3 00:01-00:18 342 41.94-43.73 86.76-87.41 6275 ~20000
4 00:23-00:24 172 43.47-43.32 87.75-87.71 480 ~20000
5 00:26-00:30 170 43.18-42.74 87.66-87.50 1521 ~20000
6 00:30-00:36 169 42.73-42.10 87.49-87.26 2188 ~20000
7 00:41-00:54 341 42.32-43.73 86.89-87.42 4937 ~20000
8 01:01-01:13 169 43.33-42.10 87.72-87.26 4320 ~20000
9 01:17-01:32 341 42.18-43.79 86.85-87.43 5629 ~20000
10 01:33-01:34 254 43.84-43.79 87.58-87.75 462 ~20000
11 01:37-01:50 170 43.55-42.08 87.80-87.26 5058 ~20000
12 01:53-02:00 9 42.13-42.92 87.02-86.80 2606 ~20000
13 02:02-02:18 269 43.07-43.08 86.97-89.35 6283 ~20000
View all Quicklooks in sequence
Objective and Summary:

Take-off was at 2300 UTC. ER-2 landed at 0245 UTC (99089).

ER-2 spiraled up from Truax and flew south towards N. Indiana (40n, 86:52w) to overfly boundary layer cu which formed in daytime solar heating. Cu was rapidly dissipating before ER-2 arrived so only sct to few cu remaining when ER-2 overflew. Then flew from N. Indiana to SE corner of L. Michigan racetrack. Eastern line (42:08n 86:50w to 43:44n 87:25w) of racetrack went over buoy 87007 and western leg was about 36km (19nm) west and parallel. Skies all clear during 3 orbits of racetrack. ER-2 met NOAA-15 (6:52pm CST; 0052 UTC) on 2nd orbit at end of eastern leg. AERIbago making measurements during entire time at its position on high cliff in Sheboygan overlooking L. Michigan. Classonde launched at 6:15pm from AERIbago site. After 3rd orbit, ER-2 flew in clear skies from central L. Michigan over MKE and on past MSN in darkness. HSRL operating, AERIbago operating, AERI on roof.

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Flight 99-057

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Sample Imagery
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Track #1
Illinois / Indiana
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R: 2.13µm
G: 1.62µm
B: 0.55µm