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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 99-056
Date: 26 March 1999
Location: Wisconsin / Minnesota / Canada
Deployment: WINTEX
Principal Investigator: Moeller (UWisc)
Additional Sensors: NAST-I, NAST-M, RC-10 (6" BW), SHIS, VIS

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is good
Port 4 anomalies occurred midway through flight causing a loss of Thermal data.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 12
Scanlines: 59582

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg North)
Lon Range
(Deg West)
1 21:57-21:58 333 48.36-48.53 93.24-93.38 634 ~20000
2 21:59-22:31 321 48.60-51.32 93.40-96.96 12067 ~20000
3 22:31-23:04 319 51.32-53.97 96.95-101.04 12073 ~20000
4 23:04-23:11 318 53.97-54.54 101.08-101.98 2604 ~20000
5 23:17-23:21 141 54.30-54.00 101.59-101.14 1309 ~20000
6 00:11-00:24 140 49.78-48.60 94.92-93.44 4923 ~20000
7 00:24-00:49 153 48.55-46.02 93.38-91.44 9253 ~20000
8 00:51-01:02 90 45.96-45.96 91.12-89.41 3870 ~20000
9 01:03-01:16 163 45.80-44.45 89.21-88.59 4594 ~20000
10 01:17-01:24 167 44.26-43.54 88.52-88.24 2401 ~20000
11 01:24-01:27 171 43.48-43.21 88.22-88.14 898 ~20000
12 01:28-01:42 271 43.07-43.07 88.28-90.25 4956 ~20000
View all Quicklooks in sequence
Objective and Summary:

Take-off was at 2100 UTC. ER-2 landed at 0221 UTC (99086).

ER-2 spiraled up from Truax and flew towards DLH. Flew DLH to INL. Skies clear on these legs. Flew INL to YQD (The Pas). At about NW end of L. Winnipeg, ER-2 encountered SCT and BKN mid and high cloud, both cirroform and cumuliform. Proceeded about 50nm beyond YQD in BKN cloud conditions. Some clear holes. After short deviation from outbound line, ER-2 rejoined outbound line and flew same line back to INL. Then flew on past DLH in clear skies where it vectored eastward to Park Fall, WI CO tower and flew an 8 minute leg centered over the tower. Skies clear. Then flew to S. Wisconsin in clear skies and overflew SSEC from east to west, overpassing SSEC at 7:36pm CST. HSRL operating, AERIbago operating, AERI on roof. Classonde launch at 7:00pm.

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Flight 99-056

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Track #6
Ontario, CAN
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R: 2.13µm
G: 1.62µm
B: 0.55µm