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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 99-055
Date: 25 March 1999
Location: Lake Superior / Michigan / Wisconsin (Night)
Deployment: WINTEX
Principal Investigator: Moeller (UWisc)
Additional Sensors: NAST-I, NAST-M, RC-10 (6" / 12" BW), SHIS, VIS

Data Evaluation
Negative radiances were seen in this flight in channels 13-28, 33, 34 and 50. The negative values were due to errors in the data recording system, which was faulty due to the very low signal aquired over Lake Superior during this flight. For the negative radiances, the error range for the data values was greater than the data values recorded.
Example: Flight 99-055 track 1 channel 14.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 12
Scanlines: 48416

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg North)
Lon Range
(Deg West)
1 23:17-23:21 22 46.67-47.01 86.91-86.69 1301 ~20000
2 23:26-23:40 346 46.97-48.42 86.68-87.19 5129 ~20000
3 23:44-23:56 167 48.52-47.09 86.78-86.29 4755 ~20000
4 00:00-00:13 344 47.05-48.37 86.68-87.19 4687 ~20000
5 00:16-00:24 167 48.44-47.58 86.75-86.46 2880 ~20000
6 00:24-00:29 168 47.57-47.05 86.46-86.28 1734 ~20000
7 00:32-00:45 346 46.99-48.33 86.69-87.17 4743 ~20000
8 00:48-01:01 168 48.41-47.02 86.74-86.27 4550 ~20000
9 01:01-01:11 202 46.94-45.87 86.28-86.88 3740 ~20000
10 01:11-01:31 196 45.87-43.74 86.86-87.70 7286 ~20000
11 01:31-01:36 197 43.73-43.16 87.71-87.94 1908 ~20000
12 01:37-01:53 273 43.07-43.07 88.13-90.46 5703 ~20000
View all Quicklooks in sequence
Objective and Summary:

Take-off was at 2230 UTC. ER-2 landed at 0230 UTC (99085).

Low stratus cloud over SE WI rapidly dissipated at about flight launch time. ER-2 spiraled up from Truax and flew towards L. Superior racetrack, reaching altitude at about GRB. Racetrack (47n 86:42w to 48:20n 87:10w and parallel line 30km to east) is aligned along NOAA-15 overpass track (6:41pm CST; 0041 UTC). Did 3 orbits of racetrack in clear sky conditions and lowering sun angle. Sun went below horizon on last orbit. ER-2 was straight and level during the NOAA-15 overpass. ER-2 then proceeded southbound along L. Michigan western shoreline till MKE where it turned westward to MSN, overflying SSEC at 7:46pm CST (0146 UTC). Skies were clear over entire state.

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Flight 99-055

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Sample Imagery
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Track #10
Green Bay
Door Peninsula, WI
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 10.10µm
G: 8.30µm
B: 4.95µm