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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 19-918
Date: 20 Aug 2019
Location: Western USA
Deployment: FIREX-AQ
Principal Investigators: Dr. Steven Platnick (NASA GSFC)
Configuration: 38 Channel
Additional Sensors: FIREX-AQ Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is fair

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available upon request
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 17
Scanlines: 87164

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 20:11 - 20:18 52.5 35.895 - 36.294 116.386 - 115.536 2790 19237
2 20:21 - 20:33 60.9 36.369 - 36.995 115.196 - 113.738 4644 20164
3 20:36 - 20:52 59.1 37.037 - 37.975 113.354 - 111.521 5945 20301
4 20:55 - 21:07 223.6 38.064 - 37.059 111.661 - 112.976 4789 20284
5 21:10 - 21:23 37.3 36.983 - 38.152 112.831 - 111.782 4958 20260
6 21:27 - 21:39 215.9 38.241 - 37.123 111.655 - 112.740 4622 20271
7 21:44 - 21:56 46.3 37.155 - 38.080 112.808 - 111.578 4750 20246
8 22:00 - 22:12 213.8 38.159 - 37.059 111.810 - 112.792 4622 20245
9 22:17 - 22:30 36.8 37.009 - 38.161 112.862 - 111.763 5074 20225
10 22:33 - 22:54 194.6 38.076 - 35.806 111.562 - 112.540 7942 20250
11 22:57 - 23:08 7.4 35.798 - 37.122 112.325 - 112.175 4445 20244
12 23:10 - 23:14 220.5 37.188 - 36.913 112.365 - 112.702 1258 20271
13 23:16 - 23:29 37.7 37.006 - 38.166 112.856 - 111.716 5043 20274
14 23:33 - 23:45 217.0 38.209 - 37.123 111.623 - 112.780 4637 20259
15 23:49 - 00:06 36.7 36.989 - 38.391 112.876 - 111.490 6148 20286
16 00:08 - 00:21 222.9 38.278 - 37.207 111.414 - 112.766 4915 20262
17 00:22 - 00:50 242.7 37.172 - 35.871 112.833 - 116.517 10582 20290
View all Quicklooks in sequence
Wildfire Imagery
Wildfire Date Time (UTC) Flight: Track Lat Lon
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 20:46 19-918: 03 37.58850 -112.32000
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 21:01 19-918: 04 37.58850 -112.32000
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 21:17 19-918: 05 37.58850 -112.32000
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 21:34 19-918: 06 37.58850 -112.32000
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 21:50 19-918: 07 37.58850 -112.32000
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 22:06 19-918: 08 37.58850 -112.32000
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 22:24 19-918: 09 37.58850 -112.32000
Castle/Ikes Fires 8/20/2019 22:48 19-918: 10 36.53116 -112.22810
Castle/Ikes Fires 8/20/2019 23:03 19-918: 11 36.53116 -112.22810
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 23:23 19-918: 13 37.58850 -112.32000
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 23:41 19-918: 14 37.58850 -112.32000
Little Bear Fire 8/20/2019 23:56 19-918: 15 37.58850 -112.32000
Little Bear Fire 8/21/2019 00:17 19-918: 16 37.58850 -112.32000
Satellite Overpasses
Satellite Date Time (UTC) Flight: Track
Suomi-NPP 8/20/2019 20:46 19-918: 03
TROPOMI 8/20/2019 ~20:50 19-918: 03
AQUA 8/20/2019 21:00 19-918: 04
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Flight 19-918

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Sample Imagery
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Track: #08
Little Bear Fire, UT
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R: 2.13µm
G: 1.61µm
B: 0.55µm