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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 19-911
Date: 07 Aug 2019
Location: Western USA
Deployment: FIREX-AQ
Principal Investigators: Dr. Steven Platnick (NASA GSFC)
Configuration: 38 Channel
Additional Sensors: FIREX-AQ Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is fair

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available upon request
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 14
Scanlines: 123421

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 16:33 - 17:07 4.5 37.160 - 40.939 118.133 - 117.473 12872 19241
2 17:07 - 17:38 5.5 40.939 - 44.336 117.473 - 116.806 11415 20117
3 17:40 - 17:53 317.1 44.614 - 45.728 116.774 - 118.087 4786 20118
4 17:53 - 18:15 321.2 45.738 - 47.734 118.099 - 120.222 8154 20153
5 18:17 - 18:33 84.4 47.924 - 47.953 120.064 - 117.488 5905 20107
6 18:33 - 19:00 94.1 47.952 - 47.542 117.463 - 113.198 9925 20155
7 19:04 - 19:28 279.0 47.270 - 47.893 113.293 - 117.221 9025 20299
8 19:28 - 19:42 273.7 47.893 - 47.995 117.221 - 119.684 5493 20415
9 19:47 - 20:02 88.3 48.016 - 48.041 119.941 - 117.405 5690 20092
10 20:04 - 20:16 268.7 47.872 - 47.855 117.436 - 119.452 4543 20494
11 20:21 - 20:35 51.1 47.491 - 48.402 119.330 - 117.574 4956 20895
12 20:39 - 20:51 269.1 48.038 - 48.031 117.442 - 119.405 4362 20802
13 20:53 - 21:46 170.0 47.908 - 41.896 119.567 - 118.698 19998 20573
14 21:46 - 22:29 171.0 41.895 - 37.136 118.698 - 118.121 16297 20477
View all Quicklooks in sequence
Wildfire Imagery
Wildfire Date Time (UTC) Flight: Track Lat Lon
Williams Flat 8/7/2019 18:27 19-911: 05 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/7/2019 19:36 19-911: 08 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/7/2019 19:55 19-911: 09 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/7/2019 20:11 19-911: 10 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/7/2019 20:28 19-911: 11 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/7/2019 20:46 19-911: 12 47.93917 -118.61833
Satellite Overpasses
Satellite Date Time (UTC) Flight: Track
TROPOMI 8/7/2019 ~19:50 19-911: 09
NOAA20 8/7/2019 20:42 19-911: 12
TROPOMI 8/7/2019 ~21:30 19-911: 13
AQUA 8/7/2019 21:33 19-911: 13
page title background image

Flight 19-911

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Sample Imagery
Click image for full resolution
Track: #08
Williams Flat Fire, WA
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 2.13µm
G: 1.61µm
B: 0.55µm