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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 19-910
Date: 06 Aug 2019
Location: Western USA
Deployment: FIREX-AQ
Principal Investigators: Dr. Steven Platnick (NASA GSFC)
Configuration: 38 Channel
Additional Sensors: FIREX-AQ Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is fair

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available upon request
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 25
Scanlines: 125628

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 16:33 - 17:07 30.1 37.228 - 40.305 118.106 - 115.587 12562 19159
2 17:08 - 17:34 346.3 40.396 - 43.254 115.565 - 116.626 9999 20247
3 17:34 - 18:01 343.5 43.255 - 46.078 116.626 - 117.784 9999 20358
4 18:01 - 18:11 344.8 46.078 - 47.164 117.784 - 118.222 3762 20349
5 18:11 - 18:15 336.5 47.183 - 47.531 118.231 - 118.452 1261 20338
6 18:15 - 18:24 348.9 47.560 - 48.512 118.465 - 118.802 3308 20352
7 18:26 - 18:31 225.7 48.567 - 48.166 119.050 - 119.715 1983 20358
8 18:34 - 18:46 92.4 47.947 - 47.930 119.597 - 117.508 4726 20341
9 18:49 - 18:55 218.8 47.718 - 47.208 117.366 - 118.011 2196 20340
10 18:58 - 19:10 348.7 47.282 - 48.646 118.483 - 118.760 4562 20339
11 19:12 - 19:18 110.3 48.763 - 48.502 118.538 - 117.557 2311 20346
12 19:20 - 19:22 182.5 48.386 - 48.117 117.449 - 117.478 886 20342
13 19:23 - 19:25 215.2 48.056 - 47.848 117.511 - 117.740 844 20345
14 19:26 - 19:29 305.0 47.815 - 48.021 117.958 - 118.403 1189 20348
15 19:31 - 19:38 241.5 48.027 - 47.640 118.582 - 119.749 2845 20348
16 19:41 - 19:56 79.3 47.783 - 48.094 119.785 - 117.325 5636 20323
17 20:00 - 20:10 260.1 48.239 - 48.048 117.526 - 119.340 4019 20316
18 20:18 - 20:31 80.1 47.649 - 47.916 119.534 - 117.518 4624 20329
19 20:35 - 20:48 257.1 48.147 - 47.882 117.582 - 119.841 5056 20334
20 20:52 - 21:06 78.3 47.709 - 48.008 119.728 - 117.465 5153 20335
21 21:11 - 21:25 236.5 48.360 - 47.509 117.675 - 119.555 5047 20344
22 21:25 - 21:52 182.6 47.422 - 44.420 119.629 - 119.646 9999 20348
23 21:52 - 22:19 178.8 44.420 - 41.449 119.646 - 119.653 9999 20331
24 22:19 - 22:36 179.1 41.449 - 39.565 119.653 - 119.657 6410 20320
25 22:36 - 22:56 153.7 39.513 - 37.586 119.642 - 118.376 7252 20316
View all Quicklooks in sequence
Wildfire Imagery
Wildfire Date Time (UTC) Flight: Track Lat Lon
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 18:19 19-910: 06 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 18:40 19-910: 08 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 19:04 19-910: 10 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 19:30 19-910: 14 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 19:30 19-910: 15 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 19:49 19-910: 16 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 20:06 19-910: 17 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 20:26 19-910: 18 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 20:42 19-910: 19 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 21:00 19-910: 20 47.93917 -118.61833
Williams Flat 8/6/2019 21:18 19-910: 21 47.93917 -118.61833
Satellite Overpasses
Satellite Date Time (UTC) Flight: Track
TERRA 8/6/2019 19:10 19-910: 10
TROPOMI 8/6/2019 ~20:10 19-910: 17
CALIPSO 8/6/2019 21:15 19-910: 21
TROPOMI 8/6/2019 ~21:50 19-910: 22
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Flight 19-910

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Sample Imagery
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Track: #21
Williams Flat Fire, WA
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R: 2.13µm
G: 1.61µm
B: 0.55µm