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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 13-963
Date: 09 September 2013
Location: Southern USA
Deployment: SEAC4RS
Principal Investigators: Dr. Steven Platnick (NASA GSFC)
Configuration: 38 Channel
Additional Sensors: SEAC4RS Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is fair
A-Train Overpass @ 19:38
Flight lines 5-19,21 level flight - altitude 62k (line 21 @ 65k)
Flight lines 1-4,20 chemistry profiles (altitude up/down)

Processing Information
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
eMAS Solar Reflectance Band Calibration for SEAC4RS

Level-1B and Level-2 Data Distribution
Level 1 and Level 2 / Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 21
Scanlines: 122983

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 16:59 - 17:14 328.4 30.038 - 31.439 95.194 - 96.269 5407 18141
2 17:14 - 17:36 331.7 31.453 - 33.724 96.279 - 97.716 8101 19382
3 17:36 - 17:52 331.9 33.724 - 35.168 97.716 - 98.675 5473 16562
4 17:55 - 18:24 130.2 35.214 - 33.338 98.465 - 95.705 10571 15965
5 18:26 - 18:40 131.1 33.255 - 32.206 95.589 - 94.136 5370 19104
6 18:41 - 19:09 166.6 32.134 - 29.256 94.084 - 93.318 9908 19088
7 19:16 - 19:43 347.9 29.086 - 32.051 93.275 - 94.060 9951 19064
8 19:45 - 19:49 245.8 32.128 - 31.914 94.227 - 94.742 1596 19080
9 19:56 - 20:09 60.7 31.608 - 32.412 94.819 - 93.362 4865 19070
10 20:15 - 20:30 238.6 32.558 - 31.675 93.081 - 94.701 5393 19071
11 20:37 - 20:52 59.3 31.514 - 32.423 94.995 - 93.341 5573 19083
12 20:52 - 21:21 68.1 32.437 - 33.702 93.310 - 89.891 10371 19077
13 21:24 - 21:36 215.9 33.517 - 32.474 89.765 - 90.687 4253 19066
14 21:37 - 21:50 258.6 32.415 - 32.163 90.820 - 92.511 4797 19067
15 21:57 - 22:12 80.0 32.121 - 32.388 92.776 - 90.989 5127 19070
16 22:19 - 22:33 259.7 32.421 - 32.160 90.765 - 92.531 4977 19060
17 22:40 - 22:54 79.5 32.115 - 32.389 92.797 - 90.982 5234 19052
18 23:01 - 23:15 262.2 32.422 - 32.162 90.759 - 92.520 4946 19068
19 23:16 - 23:30 223.2 32.125 - 30.927 92.599 - 93.840 5227 19082
20 23:30 - 23:33 220.5 30.927 - 30.662 93.840 - 94.109 1124 19382
21 23:33 - 23:46 219.2 30.662 - 29.543 94.109 - 95.223 4719 19708
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Flight 13-963

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Sample Imagery
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Track: #07
Texas / Louisiana
A-Train Overpass
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 2.13µm
G: 1.61µm
B: 0.55µm