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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 13-959
Date: 30 August 2013
Location: Southwestern USA
Deployment: SEAC4RS
Principal Investigators: Dr. Steven Platnick (NASA GSFC)
Configuration: 38 Channel
Additional Sensors: SEAC4RS Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is fair
Flight lines 1-22, level flight - altitude 61k
Flight lines 23-26, chemistry profiles (altitude up/down)

Processing Information
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
eMAS Solar Reflectance Band Calibration for SEAC4RS

Level-1B and Level-2 Data Distribution
Level 1 and Level 2 / Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 26
Scanlines: 121453

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 17:14 - 17:17 52.2 30.308 - 30.550 93.373 - 93.041 1335 17849
2 17:18 - 17:59 64.2 30.564 - 32.487 93.018 - 88.345 14999 18382
3 17:59 - 18:27 68.5 32.487 - 33.661 88.345 - 85.129 9860 18544
4 18:31 - 18:54 351.2 33.521 - 35.982 85.193 - 85.826 8009 18555
5 18:54 - 19:09 348.7 35.982 - 37.677 85.826 - 86.299 5454 18541
6 19:10 - 19:14 69.0 37.805 - 37.955 86.206 - 85.725 1346 18553
7 19:17 - 19:30 215.1 37.725 - 36.571 85.575 - 86.694 4723 18544
8 19:33 - 19:36 112.4 36.361 - 36.227 86.572 - 86.132 1244 18546
9 19:39 - 19:52 348.4 36.376 - 37.829 85.926 - 86.351 4874 18548
10 20:00 - 20:09 172.1 38.109 - 37.123 86.411 - 86.146 3249 18541
11 20:16 - 20:23 352.7 37.033 - 37.698 86.128 - 86.305 2200 18541
12 20:24 - 20:46 271.6 37.787 - 37.696 86.451 - 89.482 7814 18545
13 20:46 - 21:01 245.8 37.685 - 36.934 89.546 - 91.368 5282 18554
14 21:03 - 21:06 337.7 36.988 - 37.361 91.560 - 91.746 1328 18555
15 21:10 - 21:21 118.4 37.517 - 36.899 91.447 - 90.184 3978 18554
16 21:21 - 21:23 137.6 36.879 - 36.672 90.153 - 89.917 934 18551
17 21:24 - 21:58 138.1 36.668 - 33.871 89.912 - 86.963 12241 18536
18 21:58 - 22:07 138.4 33.870 - 33.121 86.963 - 86.217 3274 18523
19 22:09 - 22:23 267.6 32.949 - 32.700 86.341 - 88.210 5114 18529
20 22:24 - 22:36 300.7 32.716 - 33.409 88.316 - 89.682 4250 18536
21 22:36 - 22:50 273.9 33.428 - 33.436 89.767 - 91.632 4881 18540
22 22:51 - 22:54 216.1 33.379 - 33.083 91.757 - 91.993 1167 18502
23 22:54 - 23:05 213.8 33.083 - 32.128 91.993 - 92.740 3972 16135
24 23:05 - 23:27 212.1 32.120 - 30.163 92.746 - 94.218 7697 17035
25 23:27 - 23:29 210.9 30.163 - 29.961 94.218 - 94.366 770 19811
26 23:29 - 23:33 211.5 29.960 - 29.582 94.367 - 94.641 1458 18258
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Flight 13-959

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Sample Imagery
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Track: #04
Georgia / Tennessee
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R: 2.13µm
G: 1.61µm
B: 0.55µm