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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 13-958
Date: 27 August 2013
Location: Midwestern USA
Deployment: SEAC4RS
Principal Investigators: Dr. Steven Platnick (NASA GSFC)
Configuration: 38 Channel
Additional Sensors: SEAC4RS Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is fair
Flight lines 1-17, chemistry profiles (altitude up/down)
Flight lines 18-20, level flight - altitude 68k
Flight lines 21-24, chemistry profiles (altitude up/down)
Flight line 25, level flight (flat turn) - altitude 66k
Flight line 26, descending

Processing Information
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
eMAS Solar Reflectance Band Calibration for SEAC4RS

Level-1B and Level-2 Data Distribution
Level 1 and Level 2 / Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 26
Scanlines: 115383

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 17:21 - 17:26 0.0 30.007 - 30.527 94.519 - 94.562 472 17790
2 17:51 - 17:59 14.9 33.159 - 33.933 94.437 - 94.268 2943 14764
3 17:59 - 18:19 16.2 33.933 - 35.919 94.268 - 93.819 7057 16110
4 18:19 - 18:26 14.6 35.920 - 36.698 93.819 - 93.637 2695 17552
5 18:27 - 18:29 350.9 36.750 - 37.016 93.641 - 93.718 984 15441
6 18:30 - 18:34 15.8 37.064 - 37.422 93.717 - 93.617 1484 14012
7 18:34 - 18:54 17.8 37.422 - 39.416 93.617 - 93.037 7174 16150
8 18:54 - 19:09 15.6 39.416 - 40.858 93.037 - 92.602 5344 16126
9 19:09 - 19:13 12.3 40.859 - 41.199 92.602 - 92.511 1396 14082
10 19:13 - 19:30 11.7 41.200 - 43.001 92.511 - 92.022 6285 17094
11 19:34 - 19:51 127.8 42.918 - 41.928 91.599 - 89.722 5954 16394
12 19:52 - 20:09 125.4 41.870 - 40.787 89.614 - 87.655 6282 16362
13 20:09 - 20:14 128.7 40.781 - 40.456 87.645 - 87.132 1697 19407
14 20:15 - 20:31 185.2 40.295 - 38.665 87.097 - 87.291 5545 16763
15 20:32 - 20:42 185.2 38.545 - 37.617 87.306 - 87.416 3390 15209
16 20:42 - 20:46 184.1 37.617 - 37.076 87.416 - 87.479 1778 17712
17 20:48 - 21:00 242.9 36.974 - 36.362 87.578 - 89.180 4485 19392
18 21:00 - 21:11 243.4 36.362 - 35.825 89.181 - 90.546 3914 20196
19 21:12 - 21:33 268.5 35.802 - 35.825 90.662 - 93.781 7787 20246
20 21:35 - 22:02 190.6 35.745 - 32.798 93.915 - 94.473 9633 20576
21 22:02 - 22:22 189.2 32.798 - 30.700 94.473 - 94.933 7349 17081
22 22:22 - 22:27 189.8 30.699 - 30.212 94.933 - 95.037 1866 14317
23 22:27 - 22:41 187.7 30.211 - 28.780 95.037 - 95.339 4862 17439
24 22:43 - 22:46 70.5 28.669 - 28.798 95.188 - 94.892 1028 20022
25 22:46 - 23:16 58.9 28.798 - 28.994 94.892 - 94.731 10988 20171
26 23:16 - 23:25 67.8 29.015 - 29.356 94.695 - 93.833 2991 18541
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Flight 13-958

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Sample Imagery
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Track: #18
Tennesee / Arkansas
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R: 2.13µm
G: 1.61µm
B: 0.55µm