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Flight Summary Information


Flight Track Map
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Flight: 13-955
Date: 19 August 2013
Location: Wyoming / Oklahoma CART Site
Deployment: SEAC4RS
Principal Investigator: Dr. Steven Platnick (NASA GSFC)
Configuration: 38 Channel
Additional Sensors: SEAC4RS Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is fair
Flight line 20 Black Body 1 temp altered and Stirling TE Cooler powered off for ~5 minutes

Processing Information
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
eMAS Solar Reflectance Band Calibration for SEAC4RS

Level-1B and Level-2 Data Distribution
Level 1 and Level 2 / Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 21
Scanlines: 132194

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 15:29 - 15:36 338.5 30.930 - 31.608 95.457 - 95.800 2401 18287
2 15:36 - 16:09 345.7 31.633 - 35.171 95.811 - 96.981 11999 18577
3 16:09 - 16:29 347.2 35.171 - 37.225 96.981 - 97.707 6997 18573
4 16:29 - 16:57 319.0 37.270 - 39.452 97.737 - 100.513 10049 18580
5 17:14 - 17:47 314.5 39.537 - 42.082 100.629 - 104.243 11999 18581
6 17:47 - 17:57 311.7 42.082 - 42.793 104.243 - 105.336 3480 18575
7 17:59 - 18:11 23.6 43.063 - 44.282 105.380 - 104.584 4410 18566
8 18:14 - 18:18 144.5 44.307 - 43.907 104.308 - 103.885 1630 18570
9 18:21 - 18:33 267.5 43.728 - 43.616 104.021 - 105.878 4475 18567
10 18:35 - 18:40 15.6 43.785 - 44.263 106.014 - 105.854 1590 18565
11 18:42 - 18:55 150.1 44.256 - 43.117 105.549 - 104.470 4469 18561
12 18:58 - 19:01 255.2 42.938 - 42.854 104.757 - 105.188 1066 18571
13 19:04 - 19:16 24.7 43.048 - 44.268 105.385 - 104.592 4361 18564
14 19:19 - 19:52 151.2 44.250 - 41.144 104.286 - 101.613 11999 18566
15 19:52 - 20:26 150.1 41.143 - 37.879 101.613 - 99.120 12400 18558
16 20:28 - 20:41 233.2 37.680 - 36.829 99.183 - 100.645 4616 18553
17 20:44 - 20:47 331.6 36.917 - 37.242 100.916 - 101.142 1211 18550
18 20:51 - 21:03 114.2 37.485 - 36.941 100.796 - 99.293 4399 18554
19 21:05 - 21:31 169.5 36.765 - 34.043 99.162 - 98.606 9361 18545
20 21:32 - 22:05 147.4 33.997 - 31.038 98.584 - 96.205 11999 18536
21 22:05 - 22:25 146.5 31.038 - 29.260 96.205 - 94.862 7283 17928
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Flight 13-955

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Sample Imagery
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Track: #13
Eastern Wyoming
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R: 2.13µm
G: 1.61µm
B: 0.55µm