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MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS)

Flight Summary Information


Flight Track Map
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Flight: 13-953
Date: 14 August 2013
Location: Oklahoma / Arkansas
Deployment: SEAC4RS
Principal Investigator: Dr. Steven Platnick (NASA GSFC)
Configuration: 38 Channel
Additional Sensors: SEAC4RS Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is fair
Flight lines 1-3 and 5-8 chemistry profiles (altitude up/down 47k to 60k+
Flight lines 4 and 9-15 level flight - altitude 61k

Processing Information
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
eMAS Solar Reflectance Band Calibration for SEAC4RS

Level-1B and Level-2 Data Distribution
Level 1 and Level 2 / Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 15
Scanlines: 76384

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 16:47 - 16:50 285.3 31.244 - 31.327 101.659 - 102.026 1049 18807
2 16:54 - 17:06 48.0 31.596 - 32.517 101.777 - 100.782 4319 16865
3 17:06 - 17:22 41.6 32.517 - 33.751 100.781 - 99.445 5680 16492
4 17:22 - 17:41 45.0 33.752 - 35.262 99.445 - 97.733 6718 18557
5 17:41 - 17:51 40.9 35.262 - 36.049 97.733 - 96.805 3695 16432
6 17:51 - 18:11 41.0 36.049 - 37.621 96.805 - 94.889 7311 16914
7 18:13 - 18:26 114.5 37.643 - 37.041 94.705 - 93.084 4588 16924
8 18:26 - 18:39 117.0 37.041 - 36.367 93.084 - 91.373 4928 16399
9 18:44 - 18:56 37.8 36.196 - 37.222 90.933 - 89.861 4332 18554
10 19:04 - 19:17 218.4 37.342 - 36.224 89.738 - 90.920 4803 18544
11 19:20 - 19:23 331.6 36.244 - 36.632 91.177 - 91.439 1410 18547
12 19:26 - 19:38 99.0 36.819 - 36.597 91.205 - 89.643 4169 18543
13 19:41 - 19:56 232.2 36.386 - 35.346 89.580 - 91.135 5427 18552
14 19:58 - 20:15 218.0 35.220 - 33.704 91.391 - 92.516 5951 18556
15 20:15 - 20:48 211.2 33.704 - 30.538 92.517 - 94.698 12004 18552
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Flight 13-953

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Sample Imagery
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Track: #09
Arkansas / Missouri
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 2.13µm
G: 1.61µm
B: 0.55µm