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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 00-062
Date: 24 February 2000
Location: California to Wisconsin
Deployment: WISC T2000
Principal Investigator: Moeller (UWisc) / Nolin (CIRES/NSIDC)
Additional Sensors: AirMISR, CLS, RC-10 (12" CIR), SHIS, VIS

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is good
Minor anomaly in Ports 3 and 4 at the beginning of flight.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 15
Scanlines: 66323

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg North)
Lon Range
(Deg West)
1 17:18-17:23 52 35.54-35.91 115.98-115.37 2019 ~20000
2 17:24-17:41 53 35.99-37.16 115.24-113.25 6280 ~20000
3 17:41-17:58 54 37.16-38.27 113.25-111.29 6272 ~20000
4 17:58-18:11 56 38.29-39.15 111.26-109.68 4946 ~20000
5 18:11-18:25 55 39.15-39.99 109.68-108.07 4927 ~20000
6 18:26-18:40 66 40.07-40.73 107.91-105.91 5338 ~20000
7 18:44-18:56 170 40.71-39.38 105.49-105.04 4671 ~20000
8 18:59-19:04 7 39.38-39.88 104.75-104.66 1596 ~20000
9 19:05-19:16 80 39.99-40.21 104.47-102.93 3869 ~20000
10 19:16-19:26 82 40.21-40.40 102.93-101.39 3861 ~20000
11 19:26-19:41 84 40.40-40.68 101.37-99.11 5736 ~20000
12 19:41-19:57 82 40.68-40.92 99.11-96.79 5724 ~20000
13 19:57-20:07 82 40.92-41.19 96.74-95.22 3763 ~20000
14 20:07-20:17 79 41.19-41.43 95.22-93.70 3750 ~20000
15 20:18-20:27 68 41.45-41.90 93.61-92.26 3571 ~20000
View all Quicklooks in sequence
Objective and Summary:

Take-off was at 1700 UTC. ER-2 landed at 2110 UTC.

ER-2 flew from Dryden to Boulder CO where it collected a clear sky line of data with AirMISR, then to Denver airport where skies were mostly cloudy and somewhat hazy according to pilot Dave Wright, then flew on to Madison where it landed in low ceilings and fog (ongoing thaw) at about 3:15pm CST. No radiosonde or other ground activities. Skies were clear over S. CA, cirrus and thicker cloud over mountains with breaks, then thick low level cloud over upper midwest.

The ER-2 made it to Madison on schedule despite difficult sky conditions.

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Flight 00-062

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Track #4
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G: 1.62µm
B: 0.55µm