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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 00-020-40
Date: October 11, 2000
Aircraft: DC-8, Aircraft Number 817
Deployment: PACRIM II
Flight Location: Puuoo, Kilauea, Mauna Ulu, Saddle Rd, Mauna Loa, Oahu, Kahoolawe, Maunua Kea; HI
Principal Investigator: NASA (PDC, Mason, Zebker, NIMA, Hensley, Mouginis-Mark, Hook)
Additional Sensors: AirSAR

Data Evaluation
Dropped sacanlines in each flightline.
Fair amount of spikes (bad pixel values) in video data, which correspond to the first band of each QUAD ADC card (channels 1,5,9,11,15,19,24,25).

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 24
Scanlines: 126143

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 20:06 - 20:09 137.7 19.538 - 19.256 155.246 - 154.985 5567 3041
2 20:17 - 20:23 217.5 19.563 - 19.078 155.157 - 155.537 8972 3344
3 20:31 - 20:34 349.7 19.126 - 19.458 155.141 - 155.215 4324 5149
4 20:46 - 20:52 61.1 19.390 - 19.728 155.813 - 155.128 4612 7010
5 21:12 - 21:15 145.2 19.576 - 19.253 155.196 - 154.962 2457 7926
6 21:50 - 21:55 23.7 19.244 - 19.770 155.712 - 155.448 7316 9142
7 22:15 - 22:19 69.6 20.383 - 20.519 156.834 - 156.395 2809 6102
8 22:32 - 22:36 69.9 20.442 - 20.601 156.881 - 156.431 2896 6109
9 23:46 - 23:56 61.1 18.954 - 19.471 155.646 - 154.609 7241 7915
10 00:03 - 00:12 243.2 19.724 - 19.234 154.653 - 155.642 6552 7915
11 00:30 - 00:39 224.9 19.917 - 19.103 154.846 - 155.697 7418 8830
12 00:49 - 00:58 40.5 18.990 - 19.811 155.774 - 154.921 7162 8831
13 01:08 - 01:17 225.9 19.878 - 19.055 154.778 - 155.646 7276 3914
14 01:28 - 01:37 43.2 18.966 - 19.759 155.706 - 154.871 7285 8831
15 01:46 - 01:52 271.2 19.875 - 19.875 154.823 - 155.522 4232 8828
16 01:59 - 02:04 89.0 19.543 - 19.544 155.635 - 154.958 3963 8834
17 02:11 - 02:16 271.9 19.953 - 19.955 154.956 - 155.521 3496 8828
18 02:23 - 02:29 88.1 19.623 - 19.625 155.665 - 154.966 4182 8832
19 02:37 - 02:43 358.7 19.361 - 20.000 155.319 - 155.324 4035 8827
20 03:03 - 03:11 325.7 21.182 - 21.923 157.493 - 158.035 5710 7935
21 03:17 - 03:23 142.3 21.669 - 21.133 158.340 - 157.950 4017 7934
22 03:28 - 03:35 329.8 21.295 - 21.884 157.676 - 158.097 4621 7935
23 03:40 - 03:46 143.2 21.701 - 21.101 158.453 - 158.019 4536 7941
24 03:53 - 04:00 327.7 21.121 - 21.844 157.639 - 158.162 5464 7939
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Flight 00-020-40

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