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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 00-020-36
Date: October 04, 2000
Aircraft: DC-8, Aircraft Number 817
Deployment: PACRIM II
Flight Location: Tsukuba, Japan
Principal Investigator: Japan
Additional Sensors: AirSAR

Data Evaluation
Dropped sacanlines in each flightline.
Fair amount of spikes (bad pixel values) in video data, which correspond to the first band of each QUAD ADC card (channels 1,5,9,11,15,19,24,25).

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 22
Scanlines: 97394

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg E)
1 01:29 - 01:33 350.9 34.247 - 34.742 135.899 - 135.899 3165 7916
2 01:42 - 01:45 287.4 34.935 - 35.062 136.232 - 135.868 2083 7918
3 01:57 - 02:02 118.4 34.770 - 34.525 134.817 - 135.512 3972 7910
4 02:11 - 02:18 222.1 34.921 - 34.257 135.230 - 134.601 5413 7913
5 02:29 - 02:32 266.9 34.694 - 34.681 134.325 - 133.874 2391 7915
6 02:41 - 02:46 355.7 34.261 - 34.766 134.009 - 134.058 3217 7906
7 02:53 - 02:58 267.4 34.693 - 34.672 134.315 - 133.630 3613 7913
8 03:13 - 03:17 263.5 35.683 - 35.614 134.637 - 133.956 3569 7914
9 03:29 - 03:34 263.3 35.684 - 35.613 134.638 - 133.949 3640 7912
10 03:47 - 03:55 238.4 34.707 - 34.195 132.933 - 132.105 5499 7914
11 04:01 - 04:06 245.8 34.544 - 34.287 131.648 - 131.046 3612 7911
12 04:24 - 04:32 131.3 34.187 - 33.644 129.743 - 130.565 5566 7908
13 04:43 - 04:47 144.0 32.926 - 32.523 129.915 - 130.316 3358 7909
14 04:53 - 04:58 312.0 32.589 - 32.979 130.653 - 130.249 3319 7906
15 05:12 - 05:17 143.8 33.000 - 32.601 130.030 - 130.429 3317 7906
16 05:24 - 05:28 314.4 32.584 - 32.987 130.651 - 130.243 3395 7910
17 05:40 - 05:46 210.1 33.320 - 32.636 131.225 - 130.871 4777 7910
18 05:52 - 05:59 218.6 32.045 - 31.342 130.897 - 130.337 5397 7919
19 06:10 - 06:17 251.9 30.607 - 30.304 131.160 - 130.226 5478 7926
20 06:27 - 06:34 149.0 30.811 - 30.109 129.935 - 130.494 5388 7923
21 06:45 - 06:53 209.0 30.728 - 29.947 130.517 - 130.106 5526 7919
22 07:26 - 07:41 155.5 32.928 - 31.336 132.714 - 133.794 11699 7918
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Flight 00-020-36

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