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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 00-020-24
Date: September 09, 2000
Aircraft: DC-8, Aircraft Number 817
Deployment: PACRIM II
Flight Location: Cervantes, Panorama, Thangoo, Alligator River, Pt. Farewell; Australia
Principal Investigator: Cudahy, Hill, Milne (AUS); Hook (JPL)
Additional Sensors: AirSAR

Data Evaluation
Dropped sacanlines in each flightline.
Fair amount of spikes (bad pixel values) in video data, which correspond to the first band of each QUAD ADC card (channels 1,5,9,11,15,19,24,25).

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 17
Scanlines: 105990

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg S)
Lon Range
(Deg E)
1 01:11 - 01:20 354.5 30.754 - 29.859 115.311 - 115.227 14099 3970
2 02:32 - 02:37 54.4 21.513 - 21.200 118.834 - 119.353 7373 6100
3 02:47 - 02:51 162.4 20.902 - 21.353 119.069 - 119.275 6283 6097
4 03:27 - 03:30 14.6 18.377 - 18.089 122.337 - 122.420 4696 3966
5 03:37 - 03:39 271.5 18.165 - 18.160 122.516 - 122.271 3702 3968
6 03:48 - 03:50 199.6 18.056 - 18.334 122.426 - 122.347 3683 6112
7 03:59 - 04:01 271.9 18.166 - 18.160 122.545 - 122.270 1683 7922
8 04:08 - 04:10 10.2 18.369 - 18.089 122.337 - 122.420 1851 7912
9 05:39 - 05:49 158.9 11.786 - 12.892 132.584 - 133.021 7546 7930
10 05:54 - 06:05 321.2 13.191 - 12.110 132.951 - 132.161 8462 7935
11 06:12 - 06:22 155.8 11.832 - 12.924 132.498 - 132.942 7470 7932
12 06:29 - 06:41 324.5 13.150 - 12.061 133.022 - 132.234 8496 7933
13 06:47 - 06:50 156.4 11.826 - 12.120 132.500 - 132.619 2026 7933
14 07:10 - 07:21 157.9 11.765 - 12.924 132.477 - 132.941 7901 7932
15 07:28 - 07:40 325.4 13.142 - 12.061 133.015 - 132.234 8413 7933
16 07:49 - 07:56 62.8 12.561 - 12.172 132.064 - 132.838 5437 7931
17 08:04 - 08:13 243.0 11.834 - 12.329 132.957 - 131.985 6869 7935
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Flight 00-020-24

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