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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 00-020-07
Date: August 04, 2000
Aircraft: DC-8, Aircraft Number 817
Deployment: PACRIM II
Flight Location: Makatea, Moorea, Tahiti, Raiatea, Bora Bora, Rangiroa
Principal Investigator: French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Additional Sensors: AirSAR

Data Evaluation
Dropped sacanlines in each flightline.
Fair amount of spikes (bad pixel values) in video data, which correspond to the first band of each QUAD ADC card (channels 1,5,9,11,15,19,24,25).

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 18
Scanlines: 70603

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg S)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 19:03 - 19:07 47.9 16.047 - 15.712 148.542 - 148.111 3415 7916
2 19:13 - 19:18 46.2 15.588 - 15.191 147.577 - 147.105 3873 7916
3 19:24 - 19:29 230.8 15.037 - 15.432 147.118 - 147.587 3831 7915
4 19:36 - 19:42 46.5 15.490 - 15.084 147.857 - 147.375 3939 7912
5 19:49 - 19:54 231.1 14.903 - 15.330 147.352 - 147.862 4183 7910
6 20:02 - 20:08 46.2 15.348 - 14.902 148.087 - 147.558 4329 7911
7 20:14 - 20:19 231.1 14.717 - 15.157 147.532 - 148.055 4289 7914
8 20:25 - 20:29 233.3 15.698 - 16.029 148.090 - 148.512 3333 7913
9 20:46 - 20:48 270.5 17.499 - 17.499 149.715 - 149.926 1279 9151
10 22:02 - 22:06 205.2 17.179 - 17.662 149.811 - 150.023 3333 9150
11 22:12 - 22:16 20.2 17.890 - 17.405 149.844 - 149.627 3348 9150
12 22:24 - 22:30 209.7 17.254 - 17.819 149.415 - 149.726 4072 9146
13 22:36 - 22:41 24.8 18.046 - 17.472 149.559 - 149.241 4134 9150
14 22:48 - 22:53 212.1 17.486 - 17.932 149.154 - 149.422 3277 9150
15 22:58 - 23:03 26.7 18.190 - 17.725 149.271 - 148.991 3432 9150
16 23:11 - 23:21 295.8 17.854 - 17.317 148.832 - 149.979 7763 9151
17 23:58 - 00:03 261.8 16.674 - 16.777 151.058 - 151.674 3863 7947
18 00:54 - 01:01 114.5 16.493 - 16.818 152.052 - 151.327 4910 7944
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Flight 00-020-07

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