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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 16-958
Date: 20 Sep 2016
Location: South Atlantic Ocean
Deployment: ORACLES
Principal Investigators: Steven Platnick (NASA GSFC)
Configuration: 38 Channel
Additional Sensors: HSRL-2 / AirMSPI / SSFR / RSP

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is Good

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Level-1B and Level-2 Data Distribution
Level 1 and Level 2 / Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)

Level-0 Data available upon request, please send inquiries to:
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Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 17
Scanlines: 129814

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg S)
Lon Range
(Deg E)
1 08:20 - 08:34 291.4 22.563 - 22.029 11.891 - 10.571 4975 18577
2 08:36 - 09:09 357.5 21.902 - 18.282 10.499 - 10.500 11999 19276
3 09:09 - 09:29 1.3 18.282 - 16.123 10.500 - 10.500 7122 19769
4 09:29 - 09:49 2.9 16.123 - 13.993 10.500 - 10.500 7123 19886
5 09:54 - 10:29 178.1 14.003 - 17.881 10.496 - 10.499 12573 19806
6 10:31 - 10:41 270.4 18.001 - 18.001 10.341 - 9.126 3713 20055
7 10:43 - 11:01 358.5 17.866 - 15.931 9.006 - 9.001 6492 20122
8 11:01 - 11:19 2.4 15.931 - 14.003 9.001 - 9.001 6492 20174
9 11:25 - 11:30 176.6 13.887 - 14.410 8.994 - 9.007 1645 19366
10 11:30 - 12:02 178.3 14.421 - 18.002 9.007 - 8.999 11597 19769
11 12:07 - 12:27 359.5 18.222 - 16.153 9.005 - 9.002 6970 20015
12 12:27 - 12:46 1.6 16.153 - 14.069 9.002 - 9.000 6971 20266
13 12:47 - 13:01 303.4 13.981 - 13.188 8.950 - 7.525 5089 20164
14 13:03 - 13:36 168.0 13.262 - 16.817 7.383 - 8.167 11999 20138
15 13:36 - 14:04 166.2 16.817 - 19.875 8.167 - 8.866 10156 20210
16 14:04 - 14:33 165.9 19.875 - 22.904 8.866 - 9.580 10156 20260
17 14:34 - 14:47 93.0 22.991 - 23.000 9.693 - 11.215 4742 20309
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Flight 16-958

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Sample Imagery
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Track: #14
A-Train Coordination
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R: 0.47µm
G: 1.61µm
B: 2.13µm