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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 04-943
Date: 28 July 2004
Location: California
Deployment: DFRC July 2004
Principal Investigators: Penberth
Additional Sensors: DCS, RC-30

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is good

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 20
Scanlines: 72428

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg North)
Lon Range
(Deg West)
1 17:26 - 17:33 165.9 34.142 - 33.433 116.356 - 116.166 2430 18795
2 17:33 - 17:35 183.3 33.400 - 33.130 116.163 - 116.189 897 19474
3 17:39 - 17:52 90.2 32.808 - 32.800 116.059 - 114.447 4703 19839
4 17:58 - 18:06 20.9 33.333 - 34.199 114.735 - 114.385 3062 19848
5 18:08 - 18:34 278.9 34.351 - 34.795 114.497 - 118.253 9999 19862
6 18:34 - 18:42 277.3 34.796 - 34.894 118.254 - 119.254 2672 19922
7 18:42 - 18:49 264.3 34.894 - 34.812 119.285 - 120.352 2812 19872
8 18:51 - 19:03 2.4 34.917 - 36.309 120.472 - 120.467 4648 19840
9 19:06 - 19:18 178.5 36.350 - 34.997 120.724 - 120.717 4418 19877
10 19:20 - 19:32 359.5 35.005 - 36.347 120.949 - 120.949 4497 19815
11 19:35 - 19:40 177.7 36.359 - 35.744 121.189 - 121.182 2014 19812
12 19:45 - 20:05 331.8 35.941 - 37.973 121.645 - 123.017 7573 19866
13 20:06 - 20:09 317.7 37.994 - 38.250 123.035 - 123.330 1116 19830
14 20:09 - 20:11 319.8 38.256 - 38.493 123.336 - 123.581 979 19841
15 20:12 - 20:19 357.0 38.591 - 39.411 123.627 - 123.634 2717 19958
16 20:24 - 20:32 179.2 39.342 - 38.436 123.129 - 123.135 2995 19846
17 20:33 - 20:37 114.9 38.323 - 38.169 123.054 - 122.615 1291 19730
18 20:37 - 20:59 118.2 38.162 - 37.053 122.596 - 119.863 8226 19784
19 20:59 - 21:06 105.9 37.044 - 36.799 119.838 - 118.874 2724 19918
20 21:08 - 21:15 177.2 36.681 - 35.861 118.771 - 118.765 2655 19804
Images 01 through 20 in sequence
page title background image

Flight 04-943

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Sample Imagery
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Track #04
Colorado River
(California / Arizona)
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 2.13µm
G: 1.62µm
B: 0.55µm