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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 04-618
Date: 28 November 2003
Location: Montreal, Canada
Deployment: ATOST
Principal Investigators: Drs. Murray & Smith (NASA LaRC)
Additional Sensors: CPL, NAST-I, NAST-M, O3, S-HIS, VIS

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is good

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 21
Scanlines: 68022

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg North)
Lon Range
(Deg West)
1 15:33 - 15:47 275.6 45.146 - 45.305 72.358 - 74.551 5381 19106
2 15:49 - 15:57 45.4 45.441 - 46.088 74.587 - 73.659 2894 19600
3 16:00 - 16:08 229.1 45.970 - 45.289 73.420 - 74.397 3311 19684
4 16:11 - 16:20 42.4 45.443 - 46.132 74.579 - 73.594 3087 19761
5 16:24 - 16:31 227.8 45.873 - 45.290 73.558 - 74.395 2832 19824
6 16:34 - 16:42 44.5 45.425 - 46.090 74.612 - 73.655 2992 19824
7 16:45 - 16:54 227.8 45.977 - 45.286 73.415 - 74.399 3339 19681
8 16:57 - 17:05 41.9 45.427 - 46.087 74.606 - 73.659 2992 19890
9 17:07 - 17:16 227.4 45.970 - 45.290 73.435 - 74.396 3277 19806
10 17:19 - 17:27 43.1 45.445 - 46.088 74.582 - 73.659 2897 19726
11 17:30 - 17:38 226.7 45.960 - 45.290 73.446 - 74.397 3232 19916
12 17:41 - 17:49 44.2 45.434 - 46.087 74.596 - 73.660 2979 20085
13 17:52 - 17:54 222.9 45.957 - 45.791 73.454 - 73.661 762 19716
14 17:54 - 18:00 227.9 45.775 - 45.290 73.684 - 74.395 2401 19547
15 18:03 - 18:12 44.0 45.433 - 46.161 74.598 - 73.550 3289 19545
16 18:15 - 18:24 224.3 46.021 - 45.290 73.371 - 74.394 3505 19813
17 18:27 - 18:35 44.3 45.418 - 46.086 74.617 - 73.661 3035 20039
18 18:38 - 18:46 228.5 45.940 - 45.289 73.463 - 74.396 3129 20090
19 18:50 - 18:57 42.7 45.459 - 46.086 74.563 - 73.662 2843 19941
20 19:00 - 19:08 225.9 45.953 - 45.291 73.456 - 74.394 3201 19848
21 19:10 - 19:28 94.4 45.142 - 44.977 74.313 - 71.380 6644 20129
Images 01 through 21 in sequence
page title background image

Flight 04-618

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Sample Imagery
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Track #12
Montreal, Canada
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 1.64µm
G: 0.66µm
B: 1.88µm