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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 03-946
Date: 27 June 2003
Location: Walker Lake / Railroad Valley, NV
Deployment: DFRC June 2003
Principal Investigators: Dr. Zhengming Wan (UCSB)
Additional Sensors: RC-10

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is good

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 18
Scanlines: 61704

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg North)
Lon Range
(Deg West)
1 17:31 - 17:44 359.5 35.264 - 36.657 116.819 - 116.819 4634 19181
2 17:45 - 17:55 318.0 36.742 - 37.575 116.863 - 117.964 3906 19957
3 17:56 - 18:03 3.0 37.644 - 38.450 118.007 - 117.999 2682 19850
4 18:05 - 18:08 210.2 38.500 - 38.242 118.231 - 118.418 980 19763
5 18:10 - 18:19 92.7 38.078 - 38.075 118.316 - 117.012 3499 19793
6 18:21 - 18:22 5.7 38.171 - 38.393 116.880 - 116.873 742 19819
7 18:24 - 18:35 89.7 38.498 - 38.499 116.733 - 115.244 3959 19819
8 18:37 - 18:39 238.2 38.323 - 38.164 115.173 - 115.511 998 19762
9 18:42 - 18:55 13.8 38.274 - 39.719 115.712 - 115.402 4897 19771
10 18:56 - 19:23 267.6 39.837 - 39.831 115.541 - 119.541 10001 19804
11 19:29 - 19:34 1.9 39.743 - 40.317 119.583 - 119.581 1922 19809
12 19:38 - 20:05 153.1 40.374 - 37.629 119.760 - 118.021 10250 19839
13 20:06 - 20:17 134.9 37.601 - 36.740 117.997 - 116.860 4288 19821
14 20:18 - 20:30 181.2 36.659 - 35.343 116.819 - 116.820 4371 19807
15 20:30 - 20:33 231.5 35.254 - 35.107 116.873 - 117.107 804 19847
16 20:35 - 20:40 272.4 34.951 - 34.954 117.348 - 118.000 1757 19754
17 20:41 - 20:43 4.0 35.054 - 35.291 118.127 - 118.109 789 19673
18 20:46 - 20:49 179.9 35.270 - 34.905 117.876 - 117.872 1225 19668
Images 01 through 18 in sequence
page title background image

Flight 03-946

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Sample Imagery
Click image for full resolution
Track #01
Death Valley, CA
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 2.15µm
G: 1.64µm
B: 0.55µm