Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study-IFC/2
- Dates: 21 July - 8 August 1994
- Location: Prince Albert National Park
- Science Objective: Improve Boreal Forest/Atmosphere Interaction.
On July 21 1994, clear skies over the entire 140x60 km southern study
area allowed all ten aircraft to fly sixteen research missions creating
an impressive set of surface and remotely sensed data. The aircraft
moved to the Northern Study Area on 26 July 1994. Fires in northern
Canada caused some problems. The nearest fire to the study area was
located some 30 miles north (and directly upwind) of the area, burning
on a twenty mile front. Collecting good data under these conditions was
difficult for ground teams and impossible for most of the aircraft equipped
with optical remote sensing equipment. On the last morning of IFC-2, the
skies cleared for just over two hours; long enough for the NASA C-130
to acquire a minimum data set.
Spectral Band Configuration
Level-1B Data Processing Status
- Days (Flights) Processed: 4 of 4
- Version Number: 9
- Status: Done!
Browse Imagery
- July 21, 1994: North east of Prince Albert, Canada
Data Distribution Point