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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 99-003-05
Date: May 3, 1999
Aircraft: DOE B-200 Kingair
Deployment: Baja 1999
Flight Location: Tres Virgenes, Baja Mexico
Principal Investigator: Stock (JPL)
Additional Sensors:

Data Evaluation

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 34
Scanlines: 192551

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 17:33 - 17:38 270.0 27.533 - 27.533 112.287 - 112.525 7143 2194
2 17:38 - 17:43 270.0 27.533 - 27.533 112.528 - 112.761 7018 2246
3 17:43 - 17:46 270.1 27.533 - 27.533 112.761 - 112.922 5052 2244
4 17:49 - 17:53 90.1 27.550 - 27.550 112.914 - 112.682 6518 2243
5 17:53 - 17:58 90.1 27.550 - 27.550 112.681 - 112.454 6518 2240
6 17:58 - 18:00 90.0 27.550 - 27.550 112.455 - 112.342 3310 2243
7 18:04 - 18:08 270.0 27.567 - 27.567 112.317 - 112.534 6516 2253
8 18:08 - 18:12 270.1 27.567 - 27.567 112.536 - 112.750 6517 2249
9 18:12 - 18:16 270.0 27.567 - 27.567 112.751 - 112.919 5298 2242
10 18:19 - 18:23 90.2 27.584 - 27.583 112.931 - 112.702 6515 2243
11 18:23 - 18:27 89.9 27.583 - 27.583 112.700 - 112.468 6516 2242
12 18:27 - 18:29 90.1 27.583 - 27.583 112.468 - 112.360 3158 2234
13 18:33 - 18:37 270.1 27.600 - 27.600 112.342 - 112.561 6515 2245
14 18:37 - 18:42 269.9 27.600 - 27.600 112.562 - 112.778 6515 2237
15 18:42 - 18:45 270.0 27.600 - 27.600 112.778 - 112.919 4326 2228
16 18:48 - 18:52 90.1 27.617 - 27.617 112.900 - 112.670 6515 2230
17 18:52 - 18:56 90.0 27.617 - 27.617 112.669 - 112.438 6490 2238
18 19:00 - 19:05 269.8 27.633 - 27.633 112.407 - 112.620 6515 2230
19 19:05 - 19:09 270.0 27.633 - 27.633 112.621 - 112.832 6514 2239
20 19:09 - 19:11 269.7 27.633 - 27.633 112.832 - 112.919 2785 2247
21 19:13 - 19:18 90.0 27.650 - 27.650 112.933 - 112.705 6514 2239
22 19:18 - 19:21 90.1 27.650 - 27.650 112.703 - 112.510 5544 2246
23 19:25 - 19:30 269.9 27.667 - 27.667 112.571 - 112.784 6512 2238
24 19:30 - 19:33 270.0 27.667 - 27.667 112.785 - 112.920 4201 2242
25 19:43 - 19:47 90.0 27.283 - 27.283 112.932 - 112.702 6512 2221
26 19:47 - 19:51 90.0 27.283 - 27.283 112.701 - 112.475 6512 2226
27 19:51 - 19:55 89.9 27.283 - 27.283 112.475 - 112.298 5020 2239
28 19:57 - 19:59 269.7 27.267 - 27.267 112.288 - 112.364 2287 2228
29 19:59 - 20:01 269.9 27.267 - 27.267 112.365 - 112.454 2561 2243
30 20:01 - 20:05 270.1 27.267 - 27.267 112.456 - 112.672 6512 2235
31 20:05 - 20:09 269.9 27.267 - 27.267 112.673 - 112.889 6511 2237
32 20:16 - 20:21 89.9 27.250 - 27.250 112.932 - 112.702 6510 2236
33 20:21 - 20:25 90.1 27.250 - 27.250 112.701 - 112.471 6510 2247
34 20:25 - 20:28 90.1 27.250 - 27.250 112.471 - 112.299 4846 2240
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Flight 99-003-05

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