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Flight: 19-817-31
Date: August 30, 2019
Aircraft: NASA DC-8, #817
Deployment: FIREX-AQ
Flight Location: Florida (Prescribed Burn) / Georgia / Alabama (Ag Fires)
Principal Investigator: Crawford (NASA), Warneke (CIRES), Schwarz (NOAA)
Additional Sensors: DC-8 Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.
All data collected @25Hz; many flight lines underscanned due to low altitude data collection.
Significant VIS/SWIR reponse degradation during campaign.
Saturated fire pixels due to new optics.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 34
Scanlines: 42477

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 16:08 - 16:10 193.5 31.037 - 30.894 86.906 - 86.948 2354 4783
2 16:16 - 16:19 16.4 30.796 - 31.014 86.992 - 86.919 3678 4788
3 16:28 - 16:29 191.3 31.061 - 30.936 86.911 - 86.936 2292 2219
4 16:37 - 16:38 5.3 30.954 - 31.013 86.932 - 86.925 1326 1110
5 16:41 - 16:41 92.8 30.973 - 30.968 86.957 - 86.903 988 923
6 16:45 - 16:45 276.1 30.966 - 30.970 86.877 - 86.951 1351 922
7 16:56 - 16:56 93.1 30.943 - 30.940 86.918 - 86.883 709 922
8 16:58 - 16:58 273.8 30.991 - 30.992 86.907 - 86.941 649 926
9 17:04 - 17:04 274.2 30.975 - 30.978 86.905 - 86.960 1078 923
10 17:56 - 17:57 186.9 30.978 - 30.927 86.930 - 86.937 1141 921
11 18:10 - 18:11 185.1 31.012 - 30.948 86.922 - 86.931 1245 1235
12 18:25 - 18:26 187.1 31.007 - 30.944 86.928 - 86.936 1362 1550
13 18:40 - 18:41 184.9 31.003 - 30.927 86.924 - 86.932 1363 4776
14 19:30 - 19:31 355.9 31.922 - 31.986 83.185 - 83.198 1348 730
15 19:34 - 19:35 264.0 31.968 - 31.963 83.159 - 83.211 967 313
16 19:37 - 19:38 346.0 31.946 - 31.992 83.184 - 83.200 1149 313
17 19:42 - 19:43 209.6 31.894 - 31.862 83.501 - 83.523 816 325
18 19:45 - 19:45 286.2 31.878 - 31.884 83.498 - 83.527 591 355
19 19:54 - 19:55 258.7 31.548 - 31.536 83.851 - 83.905 1059 403
20 19:57 - 19:58 359.5 31.528 - 31.554 83.884 - 83.887 601 384
21 20:01 - 20:02 238.6 31.731 - 31.700 84.044 - 84.106 1269 358
22 20:04 - 20:05 118.9 31.733 - 31.701 84.126 - 84.068 1398 343
23 20:13 - 20:14 200.0 31.524 - 31.481 84.310 - 84.331 1042 339
24 20:16 - 20:17 112.2 31.504 - 31.493 84.341 - 84.311 644 320
25 20:34 - 20:36 6.3 32.378 - 32.527 84.283 - 84.253 3257 867
26 20:39 - 20:40 255.6 32.511 - 32.497 84.242 - 84.303 1163 622
27 20:52 - 20:53 214.9 32.638 - 32.578 85.230 - 85.281 1418 637
28 20:56 - 20:56 320.9 32.593 - 32.621 85.245 - 85.272 790 463
29 20:59 - 20:59 234.4 32.619 - 32.594 85.231 - 85.276 1023 479
30 21:03 - 21:04 255.9 32.374 - 32.366 85.496 - 85.534 750 357
31 21:06 - 21:07 344.5 32.360 - 32.379 85.515 - 85.521 433 400
32 21:22 - 21:23 281.5 33.362 - 33.373 86.176 - 86.251 1377 899
33 21:27 - 21:27 136.8 33.398 - 33.362 86.247 - 86.209 1062 742
34 21:37 - 21:37 269.8 33.367 - 33.367 86.200 - 86.246 784 1748
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Flight 19-817-31

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Sample Imagery
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Track #2
Prescribed Burn, FL
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R: 4.0µm
G: 2.2µm
B: 1.6µm