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Flight: 19-817-28
Date: August 23, 2019
Aircraft: NASA DC-8, #817
Deployment: FIREX-AQ
Flight Location: Mississippi / Louisiana / Arkansas (Ag Fires)
Principal Investigator: Crawford (NASA), Warneke (CIRES), Schwarz (NOAA)
Additional Sensors: DC-8 Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.
All data collected @25Hz; many flight lines underscanned due to low altitude data collection.
Significant VIS/SWIR reponse degradation during campaign.
Saturated fire pixels due to new optics.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 33
Scanlines: 41048

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 18:15 - 18:16 209.8 33.686 - 33.646 90.345 - 90.372 1124 540
2 18:18 - 18:19 91.2 33.684 - 33.683 90.379 - 90.322 1150 317
3 18:21 - 18:21 262.9 33.596 - 33.594 90.366 - 90.392 518 341
4 18:34 - 18:35 178.8 33.608 - 33.571 90.362 - 90.362 874 350
5 18:37 - 18:38 286.0 33.591 - 33.603 90.341 - 90.391 1068 369
6 18:53 - 18:54 241.7 33.122 - 33.089 90.817 - 90.898 1732 330
7 18:56 - 18:57 356.5 33.067 - 33.121 90.869 - 90.870 1256 321
8 19:01 - 19:01 180.2 33.144 - 33.110 90.898 - 90.899 839 335
9 19:04 - 19:05 79.2 33.090 - 33.100 90.930 - 90.847 1699 422
10 19:07 - 19:08 329.2 33.086 - 33.116 90.857 - 90.875 824 408
11 19:11 - 19:13 157.0 33.145 - 33.085 90.890 - 90.865 1543 415
12 19:15 - 19:16 297.6 33.074 - 33.108 90.809 - 90.885 1679 880
13 19:19 - 19:21 67.8 33.086 - 33.112 90.946 - 90.855 1850 890
14 19:25 - 19:27 223.3 32.951 - 32.893 90.981 - 91.055 1882 323
15 19:29 - 19:30 331.9 32.894 - 32.917 91.034 - 91.047 602 336
16 19:48 - 19:49 206.1 32.765 - 32.734 91.378 - 91.398 859 322
17 19:51 - 19:52 320.7 32.730 - 32.761 91.365 - 91.397 945 304
18 20:04 - 20:05 177.0 32.665 - 32.594 91.542 - 91.539 1676 980
19 20:09 - 20:11 347.7 32.563 - 32.630 91.530 - 91.550 1565 326
20 20:14 - 20:15 197.9 32.637 - 32.592 91.536 - 91.557 1099 345
21 20:21 - 20:22 0.5 32.590 - 32.634 91.540 - 91.538 1027 338
22 20:28 - 20:29 253.9 32.627 - 32.616 91.689 - 91.743 1166 324
23 20:29 - 20:30 244.6 32.594 - 32.572 91.805 - 91.861 1228 337
24 20:37 - 20:38 302.4 32.566 - 32.590 91.809 - 91.854 1128 329
25 21:05 - 21:06 353.9 34.393 - 34.519 90.906 - 90.912 2217 4952
26 21:10 - 21:11 101.7 34.437 - 34.417 90.969 - 90.852 1608 4951
27 22:01 - 22:02 134.6 33.866 - 33.811 90.659 - 90.596 1876 340
28 22:06 - 22:07 12.3 33.828 - 33.863 90.627 - 90.618 907 341
29 22:12 - 22:13 198.9 33.856 - 33.819 90.608 - 90.624 914 596
30 22:18 - 22:19 113.7 33.845 - 33.828 90.639 - 90.597 945 589
31 22:23 - 22:24 85.0 33.804 - 33.805 90.296 - 90.240 1231 375
32 22:26 - 22:27 262.8 33.751 - 33.745 90.292 - 90.361 1464 335
33 22:31 - 22:31 155.7 33.770 - 33.748 90.348 - 90.338 553 325
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Flight 19-817-28

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Sample Imagery
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Track #21
Agricultural Fire, LA
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 4.0µm
G: 2.2µm
B: 1.6µm

Sample Imagery
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Track #25
Agricultural Fire, AR
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 4.0µm
G: 2.2µm
B: 1.6µm