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Flight: 19-817-15
Date: July 29, 2019
Aircraft: NASA DC-8, #817
Deployment: FIREX-AQ
Flight Location: Montana / California (North Hills, Tucker Fires)
Principal Investigator: Crawford (NASA), Warneke (CIRES), Schwarz (NOAA)
Additional Sensors: DC-8 Payload

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.
All data collected @25Hz.
Significant VIS/SWIR reponse degradation during campaign.
Saturated fire pixels due to new optics.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 19
Scanlines: 89924

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 22:15 - 22:17 347.0 44.505 - 44.629 116.075 - 116.097 2026 4796
2 22:46 - 22:51 85.8 46.776 - 46.863 111.976 - 111.081 8754 7941
3 22:52 - 22:53 95.7 46.862 - 46.848 111.059 - 110.834 2089 7930
4 23:02 - 23:03 278.0 46.834 - 46.855 110.876 - 111.063 2057 7934
5 23:03 - 23:07 264.0 46.856 - 46.833 111.113 - 111.584 4866 7932
6 23:07 - 23:11 257.1 46.831 - 46.750 111.603 - 112.093 5897 7930
7 23:17 - 23:18 160.3 46.786 - 46.708 112.195 - 112.149 1480 3825
8 23:20 - 23:21 27.2 46.738 - 46.816 111.986 - 111.920 1617 3820
9 23:27 - 23:30 331.5 46.669 - 46.869 111.844 - 111.978 4045 4375
10 01:00 - 01:02 302.8 46.896 - 46.981 110.678 - 110.848 2249 6983
11 01:02 - 01:03 281.9 46.999 - 47.013 110.901 - 110.978 876 6986
12 01:03 - 01:04 261.9 47.015 - 47.007 111.044 - 111.128 956 6975
13 01:06 - 01:08 256.6 46.927 - 46.856 111.308 - 111.665 4288 6988
14 01:09 - 01:11 280.4 46.855 - 46.900 111.758 - 112.054 3016 7153
15 02:19 - 02:31 229.1 42.454 - 41.696 120.322 - 121.459 17350 7913
16 02:38 - 02:43 129.2 41.955 - 41.725 121.344 - 120.970 6443 3791
17 02:52 - 02:55 131.8 41.960 - 41.755 121.322 - 120.998 5393 4745
18 04:07 - 04:13 217.1 42.124 - 41.776 120.811 - 121.199 8522 4028
19 04:20 - 04:25 42.2 41.771 - 42.278 121.192 - 120.621 8000 8416
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Flight 19-817-15

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Sample Imagery
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Track #9
North Hills Fire, MT
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R: 4.0µm
G: 2.2µm
B: 1.6µm