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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 18-627-00
Date: January 30, 2018
Aircraft: NASA ER-2, #806
Deployment: HyspIRI HyTES Hawaii (H3C)
Flight Location: Big Island Hawaii / Maui / Lanai
Principal Investigator: Simon Hook / Rob Green (JPL)
Additional Sensors: HyTES / AVIRIS / PRISM

Data Evaluation
New Digitizer and Blackbody Controller
Overall data quality is good; digital noise in MWIR channels

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 19
Scanlines: 47100

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 19:39 - 19:48 108.8 19.576 - 19.338 155.946 - 154.950 3358 19701
2 19:53 - 20:03 231.8 19.505 - 18.868 154.808 - 155.715 3674 19957
3 20:06 - 20:15 55.9 18.975 - 19.576 155.871 - 155.016 3412 19966
4 20:20 - 20:29 232.2 19.575 - 18.939 154.867 - 155.767 3593 19967
5 20:33 - 20:43 54.5 19.023 - 19.648 155.954 - 155.067 3573 19965
6 20:53 - 21:01 284.0 19.324 - 19.528 154.884 - 155.751 2958 19951
7 21:05 - 21:06 358.5 19.668 - 19.827 156.041 - 156.039 554 19956
8 21:08 - 21:13 80.6 19.938 - 20.047 155.923 - 155.275 2121 19964
9 21:16 - 21:24 199.8 19.928 - 19.135 155.110 - 155.390 2906 19954
10 21:30 - 21:38 18.3 19.139 - 19.916 155.294 - 155.020 2839 19957
11 21:40 - 21:48 198.6 19.870 - 19.107 154.846 - 155.113 2756 19955
12 21:53 - 22:02 19.1 18.985 - 19.889 155.245 - 154.931 3301 19964
13 22:12 - 22:18 296.7 20.675 - 20.986 155.783 - 156.384 2176 19958
14 22:18 - 22:21 295.5 20.988 - 21.125 156.388 - 156.677 1021 19940
15 22:25 - 22:29 127.7 20.928 - 20.649 156.796 - 156.426 1571 19923
16 22:34 - 22:39 353.3 20.452 - 20.981 156.424 - 156.486 1795 19938
17 22:45 - 22:53 269.5 20.906 - 20.935 156.246 - 157.101 2805 19944
18 22:58 - 23:01 77.1 20.789 - 20.851 157.316 - 157.000 1037 19942
19 23:01 - 23:06 85.8 20.855 - 20.887 156.973 - 156.481 1650 19640
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Flight 18-627-00

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