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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 18-624-00
Date: January 18, 2018
Aircraft: NASA ER-2, #806
Deployment: HyspIRI HyTES Hawaii (H3C)
Flight Location: Big Island Hawaii / Oahu
Principal Investigator: Simon Hook / Rob Green (JPL)
Additional Sensors: HyTES / AVIRIS / PRISM

Data Evaluation
New Digitizer and Blackbody Controller
Overall data quality is good; coherent noise issues in the MWIR spectrometer.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 18
Scanlines: 55278

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 18:39 - 18:48 127.0 20.175 - 19.567 156.737 - 155.854 3643 19007
2 18:49 - 18:57 105.0 19.544 - 19.301 155.806 - 154.948 2986 19930
3 19:03 - 19:13 233.5 19.501 - 18.867 154.813 - 155.717 3568 19903
4 19:18 - 19:29 55.5 18.763 - 19.446 155.863 - 154.895 4111 19917
5 19:33 - 19:42 232.1 19.650 - 19.008 154.917 - 155.822 3582 19931
6 19:47 - 19:57 53.8 19.007 - 19.646 155.969 - 155.068 3826 19913
7 20:01 - 20:10 232.2 19.524 - 18.908 154.939 - 155.810 3492 19905
8 20:16 - 20:26 351.0 18.830 - 19.897 155.793 - 156.047 3701 19913
9 20:31 - 20:42 165.8 20.017 - 18.868 155.981 - 155.711 4090 19898
10 20:46 - 20:52 11.2 18.776 - 19.453 155.953 - 155.879 2375 19920
11 21:01 - 21:08 55.3 18.975 - 19.435 155.873 - 155.218 2746 19919
12 21:13 - 21:21 233.4 19.513 - 19.008 155.117 - 155.823 2841 19925
13 21:25 - 21:30 339.8 19.260 - 19.845 155.841 - 156.099 2152 19908
14 21:36 - 21:41 45.2 19.656 - 20.073 156.158 - 155.749 1987 19914
15 21:44 - 21:49 194.7 20.162 - 19.667 155.912 - 156.055 1769 19928
16 21:54 - 21:58 339.3 19.884 - 20.299 155.768 - 155.957 1558 19908
17 22:00 - 22:04 292.0 20.400 - 20.578 156.083 - 156.513 1500 19916
18 22:34 - 22:48 159.1 21.769 - 21.193 157.986 - 157.640 5351 8994
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Flight 18-624-00

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