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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 16-629-00
Date: June 17, 2016
Aircraft: NASA ER-2, #806
Flight Number: 16-629-00
Deployment: HyspIRI Summer 2016 / SARP 2016
Flight Location: Santa Barbara California (Sherpa Fire)
Principal Investigator: Green / Hook (JPL), Roberts (UCSB)
Additional Sensors: AVIRIS

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is excellent.
All data collected @6.25Hz

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 16
Scanlines: 99107

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 17:28 - 17:46 33.7 33.638 - 35.360 120.056 - 118.676 6579 19740
2 17:50 - 18:09 212.8 35.566 - 33.853 118.761 - 120.148 6774 19805
3 18:13 - 18:30 36.9 33.757 - 35.318 119.850 - 118.584 5961 19802
4 18:34 - 18:52 213.4 35.528 - 33.806 118.662 - 120.059 6755 19817
5 18:56 - 19:13 36.3 33.693 - 35.270 119.776 - 118.497 5933 19924
6 19:18 - 19:36 215.5 35.575 - 33.903 118.885 - 120.236 6549 20131
7 19:40 - 19:57 35.4 34.011 - 35.648 120.529 - 119.220 6161 20114
8 20:02 - 20:20 215.0 35.635 - 33.952 118.970 - 120.325 6530 20098
9 20:24 - 20:41 34.9 34.032 - 35.699 120.646 - 119.312 6275 20120
10 20:45 - 21:03 215.3 35.696 - 33.997 119.053 - 120.416 6538 20113
11 21:07 - 21:24 31.4 34.094 - 35.750 120.724 - 119.401 6258 20126
12 22:04 - 22:19 190.9 34.882 - 34.257 120.050 - 120.052 5340 8899
13 22:28 - 22:44 193.1 34.927 - 34.257 120.006 - 120.005 5674 8929
14 22:53 - 23:12 255.8 34.479 - 34.478 119.330 - 120.289 6770 8904
15 23:23 - 23:43 254.9 34.436 - 34.439 119.289 - 120.288 6959 8931
16 23:53 - 00:04 253.5 34.401 - 34.400 119.508 - 120.085 4051 8919
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Flight 16-629-00

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Sample Imagery
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Track #12
Sherpa Fire, California
Click to load the full resolution image Flight Direction Indicator
R: 4.0µm
G: 2.2µm
B: 1.6µm