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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 11-918-00
Date: May 23, 2011
Aircraft: NASA ER2, #809
Deployment: DFRC May 2011
Flight Location: White Sands, NM
Principal Investigator: Robert Iacovazzi (NOAA)
Additional Sensors: AVIRIS

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 36
Scanlines: 74081

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 14:55 - 15:03 37.3 33.361 - 34.031 106.820 - 106.242 2680 19606
2 15:11 - 15:16 212.3 33.268 - 32.801 106.090 - 106.438 1780 19522
3 15:21 - 15:26 75.9 32.911 - 33.038 106.690 - 106.043 1855 19495
4 15:31 - 15:35 299.5 32.816 - 33.108 105.966 - 106.526 1784 19673
5 15:40 - 15:45 165.5 33.332 - 32.765 106.395 - 106.239 1911 19664
6 15:50 - 15:55 32.0 32.690 - 33.179 106.517 - 106.159 1890 19921
7 16:00 - 16:05 254.7 33.056 - 32.938 105.962 - 106.557 1631 19995
8 16:09 - 16:14 120.0 33.169 - 32.871 106.651 - 106.081 1872 20123
9 16:19 - 16:24 349.0 32.641 - 33.205 106.208 - 106.360 1870 20049
10 16:29 - 16:34 209.5 33.258 - 32.797 106.099 - 106.441 1739 20072
11 16:34 - 16:37 250.3 32.752 - 32.648 106.508 - 106.861 988 20129
12 16:41 - 16:48 78.1 32.882 - 33.038 106.830 - 106.043 2262 20089
13 16:52 - 16:57 301.5 32.806 - 33.107 105.953 - 106.524 1804 19993
14 17:02 - 17:07 162.3 33.322 - 32.773 106.395 - 106.241 1859 20080
15 17:11 - 17:17 31.2 32.702 - 33.179 106.508 - 106.158 1835 19981
16 17:21 - 17:26 259.2 33.055 - 32.938 105.936 - 106.558 1700 20008
17 17:31 - 17:36 118.9 33.170 - 32.868 106.660 - 106.076 1909 20068
18 17:40 - 17:45 346.9 32.648 - 33.205 106.208 - 106.360 1839 19975
19 17:50 - 17:55 210.1 33.278 - 32.799 106.087 - 106.440 1813 20024
20 17:59 - 18:05 75.8 32.912 - 33.037 106.678 - 106.044 1810 19994
21 18:09 - 18:14 303.1 32.809 - 33.110 105.962 - 106.529 1792 20008
22 18:19 - 18:24 164.3 33.325 - 32.771 106.393 - 106.241 1869 20054
23 18:28 - 18:33 32.1 32.707 - 33.177 106.505 - 106.159 1804 20003
24 18:38 - 18:43 256.9 33.057 - 32.938 105.930 - 106.555 1708 20062
25 18:47 - 18:52 121.9 33.176 - 32.867 106.668 - 106.075 1956 20066
26 18:57 - 19:02 346.4 32.654 - 33.210 106.209 - 106.362 1827 20042
27 19:06 - 19:11 208.5 33.278 - 32.799 106.088 - 106.440 1822 20033
28 19:16 - 19:21 79.3 32.907 - 33.037 106.713 - 106.045 1919 20016
29 19:26 - 19:31 305.9 32.816 - 33.107 105.982 - 106.524 1720 19916
30 19:35 - 19:41 165.2 33.272 - 32.714 106.378 - 106.225 1896 19980
31 19:45 - 19:50 32.9 32.723 - 33.179 106.496 - 106.158 1747 19988
32 19:55 - 19:59 253.4 33.053 - 32.938 105.964 - 106.556 1625 20002
33 20:04 - 20:08 120.7 33.149 - 32.867 106.609 - 106.074 1773 20045
34 20:13 - 20:18 347.6 32.668 - 33.204 106.214 - 106.360 1745 19986
35 20:23 - 20:28 212.2 33.293 - 32.764 106.072 - 106.467 2048 20093
36 20:30 - 20:58 288.2 32.700 - 33.933 106.680 - 110.118 9999 19991
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Flight 11-918-00

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