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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 11-661-00
Date: July 19, 2011
Aircraft: NASA ER2, #806
Deployment: DFRC July 2011
Flight Location: Monterey County / Santa Barbara, CA
Principal Investigator: Kruse (HGI), Roberts (UCSB)
Additional Sensors: AVIRIS

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.
All data collected @28K MSL

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 22
Scanlines: 83595

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 17:17 - 17:28 288.9 35.320 - 35.657 118.925 - 119.753 3890 8972
2 17:32 - 18:00 293.6 35.743 - 36.628 119.976 - 121.370 9999 8985
3 18:00 - 18:14 296.9 36.628 - 37.075 121.370 - 122.097 5117 8974
4 18:16 - 18:30 140.1 37.045 - 36.608 122.125 - 121.417 5014 8977
5 18:33 - 18:42 292.4 36.569 - 36.840 121.427 - 121.874 3149 8966
6 18:44 - 18:53 135.9 36.817 - 36.524 121.914 - 121.441 3379 8980
7 18:54 - 19:03 289.0 36.493 - 36.756 121.460 - 121.901 3105 8994
8 19:04 - 19:13 134.5 36.718 - 36.464 121.924 - 121.510 2929 8973
9 19:15 - 19:24 293.3 36.429 - 36.710 121.524 - 121.990 3280 8983
10 19:26 - 19:35 135.4 36.668 - 36.380 122.006 - 121.528 3368 8959
11 19:38 - 19:48 291.9 36.322 - 36.631 121.506 - 122.023 3658 8980
12 19:49 - 19:58 141.1 36.594 - 36.323 122.038 - 121.592 3221 8965
13 20:00 - 20:07 296.5 36.293 - 36.510 121.623 - 121.985 2599 8998
14 20:09 - 20:16 141.9 36.459 - 36.254 121.969 - 121.642 2390 8979
15 20:18 - 20:23 296.6 36.233 - 36.387 121.683 - 121.947 1888 8990
16 20:25 - 20:45 138.4 36.349 - 35.741 121.961 - 120.946 7297 8997
17 20:45 - 20:51 147.9 35.736 - 35.419 120.939 - 120.618 1958 8998
18 20:51 - 20:59 143.1 35.413 - 34.956 120.611 - 120.092 2839 9006
19 21:00 - 21:11 191.2 34.902 - 34.378 120.050 - 120.052 3761 9017
20 21:15 - 21:24 93.3 34.397 - 34.400 120.074 - 119.509 3320 9036
21 21:26 - 21:37 267.5 34.435 - 34.438 119.505 - 120.088 3946 9063
22 21:40 - 21:50 101.2 34.473 - 34.476 120.139 - 119.547 3488 9019
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Flight 11-661-00

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Sample Imagery
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Track #4
Monterey Bay, CA
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R: 0.75µm
G: 0.65µm
B: 0.55µm