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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 11-653-00
Date: June 10, 2011
Aircraft: NASA ER2, #809
Deployment: DFRC June 2011
Flight Location: Sonoran Desert (MEX)
Principal Investigator: Iacovazzi (NOAA)
Additional Sensors: AVIRIS

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 44
Scanlines: 82098

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 15:08 - 15:20 144.0 33.627 - 32.655 116.159 - 115.261 4098 18749
2 15:23 - 15:31 126.7 32.434 - 31.840 114.947 - 114.204 2911 19680
3 15:35 - 15:40 354.9 31.644 - 32.224 114.370 - 114.388 1886 19588
4 15:45 - 15:49 220.4 32.212 - 31.838 114.148 - 114.578 1696 19255
5 15:54 - 15:59 87.5 31.991 - 31.999 114.757 - 114.128 1795 19162
6 16:04 - 16:08 312.5 31.777 - 32.158 114.135 - 114.574 1735 19221
7 16:13 - 16:18 178.3 32.341 - 31.778 114.391 - 114.391 1868 19366
8 16:23 - 16:27 46.7 31.798 - 32.158 114.634 - 114.206 1696 19346
9 16:32 - 16:37 269.7 32.002 - 32.001 114.026 - 114.660 1731 19297
10 16:42 - 16:47 134.5 32.226 - 31.841 114.659 - 114.206 1830 19395
11 16:52 - 16:57 358.6 31.683 - 32.224 114.383 - 114.389 1741 19423
12 17:01 - 17:06 222.7 32.206 - 31.828 114.148 - 114.589 1721 19374
13 17:11 - 17:17 89.9 31.996 - 31.999 114.842 - 114.130 2039 19403
14 17:21 - 17:25 317.1 31.796 - 32.160 114.156 - 114.576 1636 19300
15 17:29 - 17:35 176.6 32.322 - 31.778 114.398 - 114.391 1800 19371
16 17:39 - 17:44 47.5 31.779 - 32.158 114.653 - 114.205 1794 19369
17 17:48 - 17:53 265.3 32.007 - 32.001 114.034 - 114.657 1687 19403
18 17:57 - 18:03 132.4 32.221 - 31.842 114.661 - 114.206 1835 19428
19 18:07 - 18:11 0.5 31.691 - 32.218 114.388 - 114.389 1702 19490
20 18:16 - 18:20 220.1 32.217 - 31.841 114.142 - 114.576 1709 19473
21 18:24 - 18:30 88.5 31.995 - 31.998 114.780 - 114.131 1874 19506
22 18:34 - 18:38 316.3 31.823 - 32.157 114.188 - 114.573 1491 19519
23 18:42 - 18:47 174.7 32.317 - 31.777 114.393 - 114.390 1799 19459
24 18:51 - 18:56 48.1 31.783 - 32.158 114.650 - 114.205 1790 19454
25 19:00 - 19:05 264.6 32.006 - 32.001 114.040 - 114.651 1645 19427
26 19:09 - 19:14 133.6 32.216 - 31.843 114.645 - 114.207 1803 19478
27 19:18 - 19:22 357.0 31.710 - 32.223 114.389 - 114.390 1657 19503
28 19:27 - 19:32 223.4 32.445 - 32.043 114.416 - 114.886 1834 19458
29 19:36 - 19:41 88.1 32.199 - 32.199 115.068 - 114.438 1815 19526
30 19:45 - 19:49 311.5 31.992 - 32.359 114.453 - 114.888 1648 19559
31 19:54 - 19:58 172.8 32.491 - 31.978 114.708 - 114.701 1729 19527
32 20:02 - 20:07 45.8 31.999 - 32.360 114.932 - 114.510 1683 19580
33 20:11 - 20:16 265.7 32.206 - 32.200 114.369 - 114.963 1600 19612
34 20:20 - 20:25 134.3 32.417 - 32.043 114.958 - 114.517 1817 19511
35 20:29 - 20:34 358.5 31.910 - 32.423 114.703 - 114.699 1640 19520
36 20:38 - 20:43 221.1 32.398 - 32.042 114.480 - 114.888 1633 19515
37 20:47 - 20:52 86.9 32.199 - 32.200 115.071 - 114.439 1821 19550
38 20:56 - 21:00 315.3 32.033 - 32.360 114.503 - 114.888 1451 19611
39 21:05 - 21:10 172.8 32.518 - 31.977 114.711 - 114.701 1819 19573
40 21:14 - 21:18 46.5 31.983 - 32.359 114.959 - 114.512 1756 19541
41 21:23 - 21:28 265.2 32.207 - 32.199 114.306 - 114.967 1794 19625
42 21:32 - 21:37 132.1 32.431 - 32.042 114.981 - 114.516 1891 19630
43 21:41 - 21:46 356.0 31.901 - 32.424 114.694 - 114.699 1666 19744
44 21:51 - 22:01 317.7 32.661 - 33.545 115.260 - 116.079 3532 19333
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Flight 11-653-00

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