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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 10-939-00
Date: August 24, 2010
Aircraft: NASA ER-2 #809
Deployment: Houston 2010
Flight Location: Louisiana / Mississippi / Gulf of Mexico
Principal Investigator: NASA Headquarters
Additional Sensors: AVIRIS / DCS

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 24
Scanlines: 104634

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 16:28 - 16:39 96.0 29.611 - 29.483 93.926 - 92.717 4046 14464
2 16:40 - 16:53 90.3 29.482 - 29.460 92.700 - 91.313 4949 14468
3 17:05 - 17:18 73.0 29.418 - 29.593 90.363 - 89.661 4426 9069
4 17:21 - 17:29 177.5 29.677 - 29.235 89.698 - 89.699 3042 9074
5 17:31 - 17:40 7.3 29.221 - 29.660 89.750 - 89.747 3031 9099
6 17:41 - 17:49 176.9 29.653 - 29.247 89.800 - 89.796 2816 9087
7 17:51 - 18:00 6.0 29.211 - 29.658 89.843 - 89.844 3134 9077
8 18:01 - 18:11 179.9 29.664 - 29.155 89.892 - 89.893 3560 9073
9 18:13 - 18:23 4.6 29.158 - 29.656 89.940 - 89.939 3521 9080
10 18:24 - 18:35 178.0 29.657 - 29.072 89.986 - 89.988 4093 9073
11 18:37 - 18:48 2.1 29.077 - 29.668 90.036 - 90.034 4167 9070
12 18:50 - 19:02 176.9 29.669 - 29.021 90.080 - 90.084 4587 9079
13 19:04 - 19:16 2.3 29.027 - 29.651 90.128 - 90.131 4388 9069
14 19:17 - 19:31 177.2 29.657 - 28.984 90.180 - 90.181 4797 9072
15 19:32 - 19:45 0.5 28.987 - 29.648 90.227 - 90.227 4689 9077
16 19:47 - 20:00 177.3 29.644 - 28.958 90.278 - 90.276 4878 9075
17 20:02 - 20:16 1.9 28.973 - 29.689 90.314 - 90.313 5012 9072
18 20:17 - 20:30 178.1 29.686 - 29.038 90.361 - 90.362 4558 9073
19 20:32 - 20:43 1.0 29.071 - 29.668 90.410 - 90.409 4180 9064
20 20:44 - 20:57 60.6 29.710 - 30.253 90.379 - 89.267 4747 13706
21 21:11 - 21:14 51.6 30.234 - 30.471 89.277 - 88.993 1118 20285
22 21:16 - 21:33 162.5 30.424 - 28.583 88.802 - 88.351 6305 20281
23 21:39 - 21:48 77.3 28.699 - 28.948 88.602 - 87.509 3313 20146
24 21:53 - 22:24 267.2 28.636 - 28.361 87.485 - 91.567 11277 20064
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Flight 10-939-00

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