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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 10-937-00
Date: July 31, 2010
Aircraft: NASA ER-2 #809
Deployment: Houston 2010
Flight Location: California to Texas / Louisiana / Gulf of Mexico
Principal Investigator: NASA Headquarters
Additional Sensors: AVIRIS / DCS

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 26
Scanlines: 121595

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 15:49 - 16:21 98.2 34.425 - 33.797 106.465 - 102.345 12000 19743
2 16:21 - 16:53 103.5 33.797 - 33.003 102.345 - 98.271 12000 19493
3 16:53 - 17:25 103.1 33.003 - 32.066 98.271 - 94.306 12000 19565
4 17:25 - 17:57 104.3 32.066 - 30.975 94.306 - 90.396 12000 19330
5 18:13 - 18:16 221.3 30.480 - 30.334 88.983 - 89.156 957 14454
6 18:24 - 18:35 216.7 30.133 - 29.622 89.079 - 89.555 3987 9281
7 18:40 - 18:46 179.1 29.622 - 29.233 89.845 - 89.844 2403 9083
8 18:48 - 18:55 2.5 29.194 - 29.610 89.891 - 89.892 2686 9113
9 18:57 - 19:05 181.7 29.678 - 29.198 89.938 - 89.940 3092 9089
10 19:07 - 19:15 3.2 29.153 - 29.654 89.984 - 89.987 3002 9098
11 19:16 - 19:26 176.6 29.661 - 29.095 90.035 - 90.036 3552 9096
12 19:27 - 19:37 359.5 29.097 - 29.649 90.085 - 90.082 3568 9103
13 19:38 - 19:48 177.2 29.657 - 29.012 90.127 - 90.131 3922 9087
14 19:49 - 20:00 1.5 29.011 - 29.647 90.179 - 90.178 3857 9086
15 20:01 - 20:12 174.7 29.648 - 28.988 90.227 - 90.228 4122 9096
16 20:13 - 20:23 0.4 28.985 - 29.604 90.272 - 90.275 3814 9105
17 20:24 - 20:32 164.6 29.610 - 29.086 90.233 - 90.115 3071 9105
18 20:36 - 20:40 122.7 28.869 - 28.703 90.070 - 89.782 1661 11091
19 20:42 - 20:45 322.3 28.655 - 28.849 89.878 - 90.066 1185 14391
20 20:47 - 20:54 87.0 28.926 - 28.971 90.042 - 89.382 2772 14470
21 20:57 - 21:05 266.3 29.045 - 28.999 89.300 - 90.013 2977 14459
22 21:08 - 21:17 85.6 29.056 - 29.107 90.136 - 89.395 3264 14454
23 21:19 - 21:28 267.9 29.178 - 29.137 89.345 - 90.146 3319 14441
24 21:31 - 21:40 87.2 29.199 - 29.245 90.217 - 89.407 3454 14456
25 21:42 - 21:52 265.4 29.333 - 29.247 89.394 - 90.300 3834 14452
26 21:52 - 22:17 267.3 29.247 - 29.248 90.306 - 92.870 9096 14427
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Flight 10-937-00

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