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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 07-938-00
Date: September 21, 2007
Aircraft: NASA ER-2, #809
Deployment: CLASIC
Flight Location: Oklahoma S.G.P. Site
Principal Investigator: McFarquhar (UI)
Additional Sensors: CPL & CRS

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 20
Scanlines: 144388

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 14:12 - 14:22 86.5 35.121 - 35.254 115.262 - 113.974 3522 18834
2 14:22 - 14:49 93.2 35.255 - 35.047 113.958 - 110.229 9999 19543
3 14:49 - 14:57 96.7 35.047 - 34.966 110.229 - 109.191 3053 19903
4 14:57 - 15:24 92.1 34.966 - 35.082 109.178 - 105.834 9999 19890
5 15:24 - 15:30 89.8 35.082 - 35.108 105.833 - 105.075 2277 19803
6 15:30 - 15:57 93.8 35.109 - 34.814 105.071 - 101.761 9999 19887
7 15:57 - 16:21 97.3 34.814 - 34.552 101.760 - 98.785 8966 19938
8 16:21 - 16:48 68.7 34.563 - 35.804 98.698 - 95.516 9826 19885
9 16:51 - 17:16 250.2 36.038 - 34.794 95.690 - 98.889 9319 19789
10 17:20 - 17:46 64.1 35.032 - 36.306 99.042 - 95.786 9945 19730
11 17:50 - 18:15 246.8 36.555 - 35.292 95.951 - 99.160 9234 19828
12 18:18 - 18:45 63.2 35.523 - 36.808 99.333 - 96.052 9999 19745
13 18:49 - 19:15 249.5 37.066 - 35.761 96.159 - 99.506 9554 19868
14 19:17 - 19:43 267.7 35.705 - 35.316 99.766 - 103.531 9999 19917
15 19:43 - 19:54 263.0 35.316 - 35.118 103.531 - 105.002 3949 19925
16 19:54 - 20:21 266.0 35.117 - 34.985 105.007 - 108.701 9999 19918
17 20:21 - 20:24 268.7 34.985 - 34.968 108.701 - 109.114 1105 19917
18 20:24 - 20:51 272.7 34.968 - 35.214 109.125 - 112.895 9999 19915
19 20:51 - 20:58 274.9 35.214 - 35.260 112.896 - 113.891 2625 19900
20 20:58 - 21:01 267.6 35.260 - 35.225 113.915 - 114.301 1020 19754
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Flight 07-938-00

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