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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 07-929-00
Date: August 08, 2007
Aircraft: NASA ER-2, #809
Deployment: TC4
Flight Location: Eastern Pacific Ocean
Principal Investigator: King (NASA GSFC)
Additional Sensors: AMPR, BBIR, CoSSIR, CPL, CRS, EDOP, MTP, MVIS, S-HIS, & SSFR

Data Evaluation
Overall data quality is good.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 19
Scanlines: 90238

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 12:40 - 12:51 171.4 8.244 - 7.058 83.674 - 83.509 3965 18849
2 12:52 - 12:59 127.6 6.975 - 6.506 83.459 - 82.759 2887 19522
3 13:03 - 13:12 306.2 6.267 - 6.835 82.901 - 83.752 3279 19628
4 13:16 - 13:32 124.3 7.013 - 6.024 83.512 - 82.039 6070 19767
5 13:36 - 13:53 306.8 5.826 - 6.952 82.196 - 83.892 6703 19913
6 13:58 - 14:09 92.1 7.003 - 6.999 83.651 - 82.501 4176 19939
7 14:13 - 14:29 267.9 6.739 - 6.733 82.548 - 84.375 6042 20045
8 14:33 - 14:45 91.8 6.996 - 6.999 84.417 - 83.173 4552 19953
9 14:49 - 15:04 267.6 6.735 - 6.734 83.245 - 84.923 5555 19992
10 15:08 - 15:26 91.2 7.000 - 7.000 84.998 - 83.191 6608 19943
11 15:30 - 15:46 268.1 6.735 - 6.734 83.268 - 85.020 5798 19994
12 15:47 - 16:01 347.6 6.821 - 8.336 85.133 - 85.411 5051 19990
13 16:04 - 16:10 113.2 8.465 - 8.225 85.220 - 84.554 2515 19933
14 16:10 - 16:22 116.1 8.221 - 7.692 84.545 - 83.458 4315 19934
15 16:23 - 16:30 53.4 7.709 - 8.195 83.347 - 82.782 2597 19862
16 16:33 - 16:39 261.4 8.061 - 7.952 82.747 - 83.469 2272 19753
17 16:40 - 16:56 287.0 7.913 - 8.555 83.653 - 85.458 5925 19836
18 17:03 - 17:29 111.8 8.607 - 7.663 85.605 - 83.018 9857 19750
19 17:34 - 17:40 329.9 7.776 - 8.323 83.179 - 83.537 2071 19665
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Flight 07-929-00

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