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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 07-601-00
Date: October 2, 2006
Aircraft: NASA ER-2, #806
Deployment: DFRC September 2006
Flight Location: Minnesota & Wisconsin
Principal Investigator: Moeller (UWisc), Hook (JPL)
Additional Sensors: AVIRIS

Data Evaluation
Weather: Cloudy skies

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 21
Scanlines: 166378

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 14:40 - 15:07 55.2 36.062 - 37.849 114.815 - 111.742 9999 19161
2 15:07 - 15:34 53.8 37.849 - 39.689 111.741 - 108.630 9999 19647
3 15:34 - 16:00 52.5 39.689 - 41.463 108.630 - 105.494 9999 19777
4 16:00 - 16:27 54.3 41.463 - 43.188 105.494 - 102.132 9999 19684
5 16:27 - 16:54 57.0 43.189 - 44.845 102.132 - 98.500 9999 19703
6 16:54 - 17:21 60.2 44.845 - 46.390 98.499 - 94.632 9999 19840
7 17:21 - 17:30 65.0 46.390 - 46.887 94.632 - 93.199 3511 19891
8 17:31 - 17:41 9.9 46.972 - 48.139 93.100 - 92.786 3767 19865
9 17:46 - 18:12 190.9 48.280 - 45.532 92.605 - 93.348 9580 19813
10 18:14 - 18:36 48.2 45.456 - 47.152 93.083 - 90.379 8006 19806
11 18:38 - 18:47 289.2 47.364 - 47.743 90.376 - 91.758 3373 19807
12 18:50 - 19:05 153.6 47.545 - 46.045 91.930 - 90.685 5812 19771
13 19:06 - 19:09 197.9 45.917 - 45.600 90.669 - 90.794 1117 19872
14 19:10 - 19:37 251.1 45.528 - 44.544 90.890 - 94.792 9999 19802
15 19:37 - 20:04 248.3 44.544 - 43.434 94.792 - 98.542 9999 19896
16 20:04 - 20:31 245.2 43.434 - 42.214 98.542 - 102.132 9999 20079
17 20:31 - 20:58 242.0 42.214 - 40.846 102.133 - 105.620 9999 20193
18 20:58 - 21:24 238.6 40.846 - 39.338 105.620 - 108.867 9999 20232
19 21:24 - 21:51 236.0 39.338 - 37.703 108.868 - 112.003 9999 20129
20 21:51 - 22:18 233.5 37.703 - 35.963 112.003 - 114.981 9999 20152
21 22:18 - 22:21 232.4 35.962 - 35.744 114.981 - 115.338 1225 20160
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Flight 07-601-00

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