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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 04-606-00
Date: October 17, 2003
Aircraft: NASA ER2, #806
Deployment: DFRC October 2003
Flight Location: Western United States
Principal Investigator:
Additional Sensors: MAS, CPL, VIS

Data Evaluation
Weather: Clear
Haze: Light to moderate
Data quality is good.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 20
Scanlines: 108744

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 23:04 - 23:14 316.9 37.700 - 38.479 118.728 - 119.621 3668 19748
2 23:14 - 23:17 308.2 38.496 - 38.671 119.643 - 119.963 1083 20076
3 23:17 - 23:22 359.0 38.740 - 39.286 120.007 - 119.999 1862 20055
4 23:25 - 23:46 216.1 39.337 - 37.401 120.246 - 121.923 8070 19971
5 23:49 - 00:04 93.1 37.225 - 37.103 121.807 - 119.585 5808 19974
6 00:07 - 00:16 259.1 36.884 - 36.714 119.569 - 120.788 3434 19895
7 00:19 - 00:33 111.2 36.515 - 35.908 120.807 - 119.013 5176 19945
8 00:35 - 00:48 252.1 35.718 - 35.275 119.005 - 120.678 4887 19923
9 00:49 - 00:59 312.7 35.326 - 36.038 120.852 - 121.809 3629 19904
10 01:00 - 01:09 359.0 36.139 - 37.085 121.855 - 121.852 3213 19918
11 01:09 - 01:35 349.0 37.104 - 39.975 121.854 - 122.469 9999 19878
12 01:35 - 01:48 347.6 39.975 - 41.381 122.469 - 122.791 4894 19941
13 01:51 - 02:17 129.9 41.460 - 39.473 122.563 - 119.384 9999 19967
14 02:17 - 02:29 129.6 39.473 - 38.564 119.384 - 118.031 4527 20055
15 02:33 - 02:45 96.1 38.485 - 38.351 117.639 - 115.824 4728 19929
16 02:45 - 02:48 96.5 38.349 - 38.306 115.811 - 115.478 889 19983
17 02:52 - 03:18 351.3 38.326 - 41.159 115.046 - 115.571 9999 19913
18 03:18 - 03:32 350.8 41.159 - 42.569 115.571 - 115.843 4890 19930
19 03:34 - 04:01 202.6 42.578 - 39.726 116.144 - 117.406 9999 19960
20 04:01 - 04:22 199.9 39.725 - 37.409 117.406 - 118.355 7990 19930
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Flight 04-606-00

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