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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 03-952-00
Date: August 11, 2003
Aircraft: NASA ER2, #809
Deployment: DFRC August 2003
Flight Location: Northern Central Valley, California
Principal Investigator: Penberth (California Department of Conservation)
Additional Sensors: RC-30

Data Evaluation
Data quality is good.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 21
Scanlines: 110588

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 16:53 - 16:56 289.2 35.811 - 35.926 120.217 - 120.607 1113 18560
2 16:57 - 17:01 280.5 35.937 - 36.018 120.659 - 121.236 1541 19126
3 17:03 - 17:30 3.5 36.119 - 39.173 121.427 - 121.434 9999 19713
4 17:30 - 17:40 2.1 39.174 - 40.318 121.434 - 121.434 3737 19858
5 17:42 - 18:09 180.4 40.323 - 37.322 121.678 - 121.683 9999 19771
6 18:09 - 18:20 177.3 37.322 - 36.106 121.683 - 121.683 4063 19880
7 18:22 - 18:49 358.5 36.102 - 39.128 121.911 - 121.916 9999 19814
8 18:49 - 19:03 2.0 39.129 - 40.813 121.916 - 121.917 5488 19852
9 19:06 - 19:32 181.6 40.857 - 37.873 122.141 - 122.150 9999 19799
10 19:32 - 19:41 177.8 37.873 - 36.909 122.150 - 122.150 3224 19924
11 19:43 - 20:10 358.0 36.920 - 39.965 122.378 - 122.383 9999 19876
12 20:10 - 20:18 1.7 39.965 - 40.906 122.383 - 122.383 3049 19911
13 20:21 - 20:47 180.3 40.886 - 37.911 122.631 - 122.634 9999 19734
14 20:50 - 21:01 103.0 37.701 - 37.488 122.470 - 120.991 4191 19813
15 21:04 - 21:05 98.9 37.482 - 37.457 120.674 - 120.416 723 19825
16 21:06 - 21:08 92.4 37.455 - 37.454 120.382 - 120.096 790 19812
17 21:09 - 21:24 175.8 37.381 - 35.768 119.996 - 119.984 5540 19767
18 21:26 - 21:40 2.8 35.790 - 37.340 119.757 - 119.750 4986 19805
19 21:42 - 21:56 176.6 37.324 - 35.780 119.508 - 119.500 5307 19819
20 22:01 - 22:09 2.0 35.974 - 36.923 119.283 - 119.266 3062 19838
21 22:12 - 22:22 178.3 36.920 - 35.814 119.017 - 119.017 3780 19891
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Flight 03-952-00

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