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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 02-972-00
Date: September 18, 2002
Aircraft: NASA ER-2, #809
Deployment: DFRC September 2002
Flight Location: CA, AZ, NM, TX
Principal Investigator: Mace (DFRC)
Additional Sensors:

Data Evaluation
Flight lines are generally clear with some pilot radio interference.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 24
Scanlines: 145717

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 06:06 - 06:33 108.8 34.484 - 33.362 115.209 - 111.764 10010 18984
2 06:33 - 06:59 109.3 33.362 - 32.412 111.763 - 108.275 9999 19486
3 06:59 - 07:26 111.4 32.412 - 31.332 108.275 - 104.841 9999 19522
4 07:26 - 07:53 113.0 31.332 - 30.134 104.841 - 101.506 9999 19677
5 07:53 - 08:15 113.9 30.134 - 29.121 101.506 - 98.911 8155 19906
6 08:16 - 08:25 46.9 29.139 - 29.825 98.786 - 98.010 3290 20075
7 08:25 - 08:42 27.5 29.861 - 31.608 97.981 - 97.098 6397 20100
8 08:43 - 08:48 358.0 31.671 - 32.225 97.088 - 97.170 1855 20107
9 08:49 - 08:54 277.6 32.330 - 32.406 97.301 - 98.026 1970 20098
10 08:57 - 09:14 90.9 32.581 - 32.570 98.033 - 95.864 6365 20112
11 09:18 - 09:32 268.9 32.807 - 32.790 95.856 - 97.921 5547 20292
12 09:36 - 09:52 91.0 33.021 - 33.010 97.943 - 95.876 6007 20245
13 09:55 - 10:09 268.0 33.248 - 33.229 95.861 - 97.896 5456 20065
14 10:12 - 10:17 89.9 33.424 - 33.426 97.899 - 97.227 1935 19903
15 10:19 - 10:27 1.5 33.526 - 34.456 97.107 - 97.143 3093 19970
16 10:28 - 10:33 351.6 34.504 - 35.074 97.150 - 97.294 1906 20133
17 10:33 - 10:40 2.0 35.108 - 35.955 97.299 - 97.300 2773 20206
18 10:44 - 10:52 179.4 35.936 - 35.044 97.585 - 97.593 2972 20162
19 10:54 - 11:03 2.6 35.026 - 35.953 97.875 - 97.880 3051 20162
20 11:04 - 11:31 270.2 36.063 - 36.071 98.006 - 101.930 9999 20166
21 11:31 - 11:58 269.4 36.071 - 35.953 101.931 - 105.835 9999 20353
22 11:58 - 12:24 268.4 35.953 - 35.707 105.835 - 109.721 9999 20521
23 12:24 - 12:51 265.8 35.707 - 35.340 109.721 - 113.555 9999 20560
24 12:51 - 13:04 263.6 35.340 - 35.110 113.555 - 115.471 4942 20541
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Flight 02-972-00

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