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Flight Track Map
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Flight: 01-115-00
Date: August 10, 2001
Aircraft: NASA ER-2, #806
Deployment: DFRC July/August 2001
Flight Location: Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Principal Investigator: Goodenough (UBC)
Additional Sensors: AVIRIS, RC-10

Data Evaluation
Flight lines are generally clear with slight haze and some cloud shadows.

Processing Information
Level-1B Data in HDF format is available
Flight Line Summary
Spectral Band Configuration
Spectral Response Function Table
Spectral Response Function (text)

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 20
Scanlines: 109999

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 18:08 - 18:14 345.7 37.360 - 37.375 118.363 - 118.368 2282 18515
2 18:15 - 18:42 344.4 38.083 - 38.097 118.803 - 118.809 10000 19333
3 18:42 - 19:09 346.9 40.949 - 40.963 120.124 - 120.129 10000 19635
4 19:09 - 19:35 346.5 43.905 - 43.919 121.173 - 121.178 10000 19538
5 19:35 - 19:50 339.8 46.700 - 46.714 122.587 - 122.595 5423 19856
6 19:50 - 19:54 340.9 48.292 - 48.306 123.509 - 123.517 1306 19860
7 19:57 - 20:01 176.9 48.716 - 48.700 123.337 - 123.336 1557 19620
8 20:04 - 20:09 345.3 48.209 - 48.222 123.583 - 123.589 1942 19760
9 20:10 - 20:12 264.5 48.799 - 48.797 123.957 - 123.979 1042 19760
10 20:13 - 20:28 313.9 48.795 - 48.805 124.550 - 124.566 5582 19801
11 20:31 - 20:41 123.4 49.639 - 49.631 126.868 - 126.849 3782 19853
12 20:46 - 20:57 310.3 48.967 - 48.977 125.051 - 125.068 4435 19795
13 21:00 - 21:10 121.5 49.592 - 49.583 126.948 - 126.929 3768 19643
14 21:15 - 21:25 304.6 48.933 - 48.941 125.155 - 125.174 3735 19592
15 21:28 - 21:55 140.2 49.430 - 49.418 126.826 - 126.812 10000 19877
16 21:57 - 22:01 179.0 46.825 - 46.810 123.908 - 123.908 1615 19814
17 22:01 - 22:28 159.4 46.303 - 46.289 123.889 - 123.882 10000 19744
18 22:28 - 22:55 158.7 43.489 - 43.475 122.390 - 122.383 10000 19856
19 22:55 - 23:21 157.1 40.665 - 40.651 120.981 - 120.974 10000 21040
20 23:21 - 23:31 149.3 37.967 - 37.955 119.434 - 119.425 3530 21249
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Flight 01-115-00

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