50 MASTER Configuration for 04-002-02 20 May 2004 New Mexico Sites 01 01 16 0 0.020949 0.0000 0.435 0.459 0.479 0.100 1944.58 02 02 16 0 0.032366 0.0000 0.477 0.499 0.520 0.100 1945.76 03 03 16 0 0.028868 0.0000 0.518 0.539 0.561 0.100 1867.65 04 04 16 0 0.037175 0.0000 0.560 0.579 0.601 0.100 1817.83 05 05 16 0 0.049638 0.0000 0.631 0.655 0.691 0.100 1557.34 06 06 16 0 0.066436 0.0000 0.690 0.711 0.732 0.100 1381.11 07 07 16 0 0.052592 0.0000 0.729 0.751 0.772 0.100 1263.64 08 08 16 0 0.054330 0.0000 0.780 0.801 0.822 0.100 1132.85 09 09 16 0 0.056152 0.0000 0.847 0.867 0.888 0.100 972.43 10 10 16 0 0.044435 0.0000 0.921 0.944 0.962 0.100 804.68 11 11 16 0 0.047694 0.0000 0.960 0.980 1.001 0.010 760.13 12 12 16 0 0.006276 0.0000 1.570 1.599 1.631 0.010 249.87 13 13 16 0 0.005380 0.0000 1.628 1.656 1.687 0.010 231.93 14 14 16 0 0.004660 0.0000 1.686 1.712 1.741 0.010 207.52 15 15 16 0 0.004554 0.0000 1.740 1.768 1.795 0.010 180.93 16 16 16 0 0.003426 0.0000 1.796 1.821 1.850 0.100 159.16 17 17 16 0 0.003310 0.0000 1.848 1.875 1.900 0.010 141.09 18 18 16 0 0.003336 0.0000 1.902 1.929 1.953 0.010 131.25 19 19 16 0 0.003060 0.0000 1.953 1.977 2.003 0.010 123.58 20 20 16 0 0.001984 0.0000 2.056 2.082 2.106 0.010 99.02 21 21 16 0 0.002035 0.0000 2.141 2.165 2.190 0.010 79.42 22 22 16 0 0.002061 0.0000 2.191 2.216 2.241 0.010 74.27 23 23 16 0 0.001915 0.0000 2.242 2.266 2.292 0.010 70.42 24 24 16 0 0.001270 0.0000 2.302 2.328 2.374 0.010 59.41 25 25 16 0 0.001452 0.0000 2.372 2.398 2.431 0.010 55.56 26 00 16 1 0.960790 0.0000 3.072 3.147 3.221 1.000 20.90 27 27 16 1 0.961090 0.0000 3.216 3.292 3.358 0.005 18.31 28 28 16 1 0.964230 0.0000 3.357 3.447 3.512 0.006 15.75 29 29 16 1 0.958200 0.0000 3.515 3.592 3.666 0.006 13.56 30 30 16 1 0.956340 0.0000 3.670 3.747 3.813 0.006 11.78 31 31 16 1 0.955820 0.0000 3.815 3.897 3.971 0.006 10.33 32 32 16 1 0.955660 0.0000 3.974 4.052 4.123 0.006 9.09 33 33 16 1 0.955600 0.0000 4.137 4.208 4.290 0.005 7.74 34 34 16 1 0.955640 0.0000 4.308 4.367 4.423 0.001 6.72 35 35 16 1 0.955340 0.0000 4.423 4.502 4.571 0.003 5.92 36 36 16 1 0.955190 0.0000 4.571 4.652 4.727 0.006 5.10 37 37 16 1 0.955570 0.0000 4.724 4.802 4.878 0.005 4.47 38 38 16 1 0.956050 0.0000 4.872 4.952 5.022 0.005 3.95 39 39 16 1 0.956150 0.0000 5.018 5.092 5.169 0.002 3.52 40 40 16 1 0.966110 0.0000 5.167 5.237 5.316 0.001 3.14 41 41 16 1 0.977220 0.0000 7.547 7.786 7.888 0.001 0.68 42 42 16 1 0.972850 0.0000 7.956 8.252 8.385 0.010 0.54 43 43 16 1 0.965870 0.0000 8.400 8.621 8.783 0.010 0.44 44 44 16 1 0.964880 0.0000 8.859 9.091 9.272 0.010 0.36 45 45 16 1 0.963590 0.0000 9.524 9.742 9.926 0.010 0.27 46 46 16 1 0.964920 0.0000 9.944 10.161 10.353 0.010 0.23 47 47 16 1 0.966730 0.0000 10.386 10.641 10.998 0.010 0.18 48 48 16 1 0.966670 0.0000 11.069 11.291 11.741 0.010 0.14 49 49 16 1 0.966410 0.0000 11.965 12.211 12.471 0.010 0.11 50 50 16 1 0.968970 0.0000 12.707 12.932 13.187 0.010 0.09 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | =(!) | | | | | | | | | =-Scale Factor | | | | | | | | =- Right 50% spectral response | | | | | | | =-Peak 100% spectral response (microns) | | | | | | =-Left 50% spectral response (microns) | | | | | =-Calibration intercept (only used for visible bands) | | | | =--------Calibration slope (only used for visible bands 1-25) | | | | Blackbody emmissivity (only used for IR bands 26-50) | | | =----------0 => visible band, 1 => thermal infrared band" | | =-------------Number of bits in this channel (8 or 10) | =----------------Spectral band assigned to this channel =------------------------- Channel number (!) Sensor weighted solar spectral irradiance (Watts/meter2/micron) at mean Earth-Sun distance NOTE: Factor in column 10 is used to scale radiances in calibrated data by the following method: value_stored = int( radiance / factor ) for each channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER) Level-1B Data Sensor_ID_Code M5 105 MASTER50 ExperimentName RSL May 2004 AircraftPlatform DOE B200 (798) NavFormatCode POS 50Hz (NAV) LocationCode Global Pos (GPS) AltitudeCode Global Pos (GPS) CalibrationVersion Version 1.0 Calibration CalibrationName May04_5/11-6/04 SRF_Dataset /rarray/calibrat/MASTER/srf/Mar_04/ SRF_FTP ftp://asapdata.arc.nasa.gov/MASTER/srf/Mar_04/ NavDataSource Applainix and ASCOT NavDataPath /nav/trans/04-002-02 TbackBand 45, 47, 31, 273.0 GranuleVersion 1.0.0 MetadataVersion 1.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conversion from counts to radiance in VIS and NIR channels is Note: there was no instrument temperature correction performed! rad = (count - (cbb_avg)) * slope where, rad = radiance cbb_avg = cold black body counts (running average) slope = from column 7 in above table count = count value *********************************** IR Emissivity Correction (for MAS-50{adopted for MASTER}) From Chris Moeller (UWisc) and Simon Hook (JPL) *********************************** This is done in 2 steps: 1. Get the Channel 45 scan head count and convert it to a brightness temperature using UWisc subroutine TEMBCK.F (from Liam Gumley (UWisc)) 2. Call subroutine MASCAL.F (from Liam Gumley (UWisc)) which uses the chan45 scan head temperature and the cold and warm black body counts/temperatures for computing the corrected slope and intercept for all IR bands. Emissivities used were from Simon Hook's calculation for BB paint and embedded in MASCAL.F program (mascal_master.f). BB effective emissivity estimates for all 50 channels (note: set to 1.0 for channels 1-25) For Bands 1 thru 50: 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0, 0.96079, 0.96109, 0.96423, 0.95820, 0.95634, 0.95582, 0.95566, 0.95560, 0.95564, 0.95534, 0.95519, 0.95557, 0.95605, 0.95615, 0.96611, 0.97722, 0.97285, 0.96587, 0.96488, 0.96359, 0.96492, 0.96673, 0.96667, 0.96641, 0.96897 ************************* ************************* -- Config.asc creation date = 16-Jun-2004 Config.asc creation date = 16-Jun-2004