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Flight: 24-633 / RF0927
Date: 27 Sep 2024
Aircraft: ER-2 #806
Deployment: PACE-PAX
Flight Location: California / Pacific Ocean
Principal Investigators: Knobelspiesse / Cairns / Cetinić (GSFC)
Additional Sensors: AirHARP / PRISM / SPEX / HSRL-2 / RSP

Data Evaluation
Overall quality is good

PACE Underpass @ 21:05 UTC

Processing Information

Browse Imagery
Flight Tracks: 21
Frames: 84404

Browse Imagery Table
Click a Flight Track number to view a quicklook image
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels
Time Span
Lat Range
(Deg N)
Lon Range
(Deg W)
1 18:40 - 18:46 34.794 - 34.32 118.277 - 118.827 2203
2 18:47 - 18:52 34.275 - 34.207 118.972 - 119.667 1870
3 18:53 - 18:56 34.239 - 34.42 119.806 - 120.186 1159
4 18:57 - 19:00 34.557 - 34.807 120.285 - 120.375 842
5 19:01 - 19:14 34.931 - 36.076 120.484 - 121.788 5047
6 19:16 - 19:22 36.203 - 36.905 121.833 - 121.841 2330
7 19:22 - 19:24 36.97 - 37.158 121.848 - 121.849 624
8 19:27 - 19:31 37.166 - 36.768 121.588 - 121.383 1480
9 19:34 - 19:42 36.669 - 37.163 121.635 - 122.609 3031
10 19:47 - 19:57 36.995 - 36.481 123.238 - 124.58 3930
11 19:59 - 20:23 36.316 - 33.948 124.719 - 126.14 9076
12 20:30 - 21:26 34.207 - 40.521 126.587 - 128.48 20601
13 21:30 - 21:36 40.747 - 40.907 127.995 - 127.2 2106
14 21:38 - 22:06 40.771 - 37.975 126.983 - 125.512 10610
15 22:08 - 22:18 37.879 - 37.617 125.288 - 124.038 3561
16 22:18 - 22:34 37.611 - 37.651 123.983 - 121.801 5942
17 22:37 - 22:46 37.856 - 38.723 121.72 - 122.471 3451
18 22:50 - 23:03 38.552 - 37.213 122.684 - 121.951 5015
19 23:04 - 23:13 37.096 - 36.161 121.927 - 121.839 3209
20 23:14 - 23:29 36.013 - 34.86 121.719 - 120.416 5367
21 23:30 - 23:32 34.764 - 34.492 120.362 - 120.265 958
22 23:34 - 23:37 34.396 - 34.229 120.151 - 119.794 1161
23 23:39 - 23:50 34.274 - 34.823 119.54 - 118.267 4085
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Flight 24-633

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Sample Imagery
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Track: #6
Big Sur /
Monterey Bay, CA
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R: 0.83µm
G: 0.65µm
B: 0.56µm