(ARC) SRF Summary for TARFOX/BOREAS, ER-2 Flts 96-144 - 96-162 Spectral Response Files Header: -------- -------- ----- ------ Band Number: 01 PROCESSED BY CAL_MONO File = /karray/calib/SRF/jun96_cor_after/msr0696a.c## Calibration method = Monochrometer Date of calibration measurement = June 7 1996 Time of processing = N/A Place of measurement = Ames Research Center COMMENTS = modified P-1 and P-3 arrays Atmospherically corrected and smoothed by SSEC (3/97) **************************************************************** band halfpp halfpp FWHM center peak 01 0.4451 0.4848 0.0397 0.4649 0.4660 02 0.5285 0.5703 0.0417 0.5494 0.5480 03 0.6294 0.6805 0.0511 0.6550 0.6500 04 0.6816 0.7231 0.0415 0.7024 0.7020 05 0.7221 0.7641 0.0420 0.7431 0.7440 06 0.8034 0.8461 0.0427 0.8248 0.8260 07 0.8460 0.8874 0.0414 0.8667 0.8660 08 0.8867 0.9276 0.0409 0.9072 0.9080 09 0.9277 0.9674 0.0397 0.9476 0.9480 10 1.6171 1.6689 0.0517 1.6430 1.6450 11 1.6728 1.7233 0.0505 1.6980 1.6970 12 1.7254 1.7757 0.0503 1.7506 1.7490 13 1.7784 1.8288 0.0504 1.8036 1.8030 14 1.8305 1.8798 0.0493 1.8551 1.8550 15 1.8813 1.9289 0.0476 1.9051 1.9050 16 1.9310 1.9801 0.0491 1.9556 1.9530 17 1.9807 2.0298 0.0491 2.0052 2.0050 18 2.0315 2.0804 0.0488 2.0559 2.0550 19 2.0801 2.1290 0.0489 2.1046 2.1050 20 2.1297 2.1785 0.0488 2.1541 2.1530 21 2.1786 2.2271 0.0484 2.2029 2.2030 22 2.2286 2.2774 0.0488 2.2530 2.2530 23 2.2783 2.3274 0.0491 2.3029 2.3030 24 2.3281 2.3760 0.0479 2.3520 2.3530 25 2.3769 2.4255 0.0485 2.4012 2.4010 26 3.0407 3.2039 0.1632 3.1223 3.1220 27 3.2053 3.3567 0.1514 3.2810 3.2820 28 3.3523 3.5178 0.1655 3.4350 3.4420 29 3.5185 3.6732 0.1546 3.5958 3.5920 30 3.6733 3.8297 0.1564 3.7515 3.7520 31 3.8277 3.9896 0.1620 3.9087 3.9120 32 3.9944 4.1519 0.1576 4.0731 4.0720 33 4.1601 4.3130 0.1529 4.2366 4.2320 34 4.3101 4.4630 0.1529 4.3866 4.3820 35 4.4678 4.6200 0.1522 4.5439 4.5420 36 4.6194 4.7803 0.1608 4.6998 4.7020 37 4.7795 4.9343 0.1548 4.8569 4.8620 38 4.9333 5.0845 0.1512 5.0089 5.0120 39 5.0894 5.2466 0.1572 5.1680 5.1720 40 5.2390 5.3803 0.1413 5.3097 5.3120 41 5.3569 5.4494 0.0925 5.4031 5.3970 42 8.3427 8.7408 0.3982 8.5418 8.5900 43 9.4595 9.9975 0.5380 9.7285 9.6720 44 10.2846 10.7446 0.4601 10.5146 10.5100 45 10.7819 11.2544 0.4725 11.0181 11.0090 46 11.7766 12.1882 0.4116 11.9824 12.0000 47 12.7153 13.1085 0.3932 12.9119 12.8940 48 13.0570 13.5234 0.4664 13.2902 13.3090 49 13.5553 14.1038 0.5484 13.8295 13.8300 50 14.0613 14.5051 0.4438 14.2832 14.2690